A response to Kelly Scoles’ letter:

Hi Kelly,

You site a lot of times, places and events but never seem to get the causes, effects, and significance right. It always seems the stubborn misinterpretation of facts betray your conclusions. In the case of the Palestinians here, I hope you acknowledge the fact that they carefully chose to ambush the Israelis, who were peacefully enjoying themselves at a music festival on October 7, and tortured, mutilated, raped, murdered the men, women, children, beheading infants and pre-born, in order to destroy the state of Israel. Like their demonic cousins, the Russians, they intended to start a war!
This satanic activity was carefully planned for more than a year, for the purpose of destroying Israel. This was not just a recent bloody dream of Hamas victory by land, sea, and air. It was the same malignant terrorist dream from the year 632 A.D., about Judeo-Christian annihilation. It is central to the 1,400-year-old Islamo-Jihadist theology, an indelible mindset, designed for perpetual bloodshed.

You say, “I emphatically did not equate the Holocaust with Gaza.” But you did. You condemn “Israel’s genocidal acts in Gaza” and “Israel’s 75-year national policy of apartheid.” Historically, “The first known use of “genocide” was in 1944” with the exposure of Nazi death camps. You say the Israelis should be expected to “sympathize” with others who fear “annihilation”. Deliberately starting wars here is not indicative of “being targeted for extinction.” A quick reminder: “Since 1948, Israel has fought a number of conflicts with various Arab forces, most notably in 1948–49, 1956, 1967, 1973, 1982, 2006, and 2023–present” and won them all against overwhelming odds! You might ask who should be most reasonably concerned with the horror of being “targeted for extinction.”

As to “Israel’s genocidal acts in Gaza”, Palestinians would not have Gaza if Israel had not given it to them, at the expense of all those Israelis who were forcibly removed from their homes in Gaza to accommodate Palestinians. These people want nothing to do with the mythical two-state “solution”. They want all of Israel destroyed, removed from the map; they want all Israelis dead. The odds against Israel enjoying a normal, peaceful existence are slim because authentic Islam demands hatred of Judaism. Here are some of the Israel-haters: Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Oman, Kuwait, UAE, Iraq, Libya, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Bangladesh, Brunei, Sudan, Algeria, Malaysia, and Pakistan. Israel’s population is 9.558 million. Overall, this amounts to billions of Muslims against millions of Jews. There are scores of Islamic Israel-haters. There is but one Israel.


As for the fraudulent Trump trials, they are (in the estimation of the most eminent jurists) perhaps the greatest scandal in American juridical history. It’s beyond my patience now to comment upon, except to say, Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen are emblematic of the morally debauched character of the Democrat Party today. May it be destroyed in the next presidential election for the sake of public health. Only a Democrat would believe Cohen about anything.


God bless Ukraine, Israel, and Donald Trump – each fighting for survival in a duplicitous world.