I’m starting too late tonight, so my response to Kelly Scoles’ letter will have to be short. Kelly brings up the perpetual Gaza-Palestinian question, the “Trump election fraud” trial, and the (unfair?) condemnation of our “justice system” by sycophantic Republicans seeking his 2024 reelection. This is a long and difficult list of issues to address – especially at a time, like this morning, when the country learned that most of the Gain-of-function and origin of Covid19 tale was an enormous liberal lie. Dr. Tony Fauci and his minions need solitary confinement for life. But that’s not all! We now know that government agencies learned how to delete emails (evidence) completely. In other words, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA) has been manipulated - FOR YEARS! Maybe Hillary was an early learner? Senator Rand Paul’s Covid accusations are now fully substantiated. We need a new Center for Political Disease Control. We can start with our diseased judicial system and work our way through the Democrat Party. We have lost the Judeo-Christian core of our Republic at the juncture of a critical presidential election – and war.


Palestinians are historically the great haters. For 1,400-years they have taught their children, from pre-school age, to hate all people who do not believe in Islam, the “infidels”, especially Christians and Jews. The word Islam means “submission” in Arabic and refers to the sacred duty Muslims have to force Islam upon all “unbelievers”, more than 6-billion of the world’s population. Their holy book, the Quran, is very specific about how life is to be lived, by everyone. Their mission is to fight and convert Infidels (non-Muslims) to the faith. Infidels are to be given three choices: first, conversion to Islam. If conversion is refused, Jews, and Christians (“People of the Book”) could be spared only if they paid the jizya tax (essentially slavery), otherwise the only remaining choice is to fight to the death. Islam has been a religious conflagration for Christians and Jews for 1,400 years. “Palestinian residents are predominantly Sunni Muslim, with small Shia and Ahmadi Muslim inclusions.” What we have here is the paradox of the immovable object (Israel) versus an unstoppable force (Islam). A paradox which could switch positions. In the impossible event that both sides would agree to Judeo-Christian ethics, that kind of “submission” would bring peace. If trustworthy, ethical determination won’t work, we will continue with “might makes right” into that inevitable nuclear Armageddon.

No time to explain modern Israeli founding and development here, except to remind that Israel gave Gaza back to the Palestinians, administers the West Bank, gave Sinai back to the Egyptians, and the Golan was under military administration until Israeli law annexed the territory.
All these areas were won in numerous defensive wars, all which Israel fought with extraordinary tenacity against overwhelming odds.


Kelly, that you would even think of discussing the ethics of what has become of our judicial system boggles my mind. This country is in such a dangerously terrible condition it may not survive. Your understanding of the phony Trump criminal cases must have been acquired from the lying lips of Michael Cohen. It will take 50 years for our judicial system, state and federal, to rehabilitate its reputation – if possible. A Shysterism pandemic is gaining, and functioning, upon us.