Well, I’m in hot water right now. It’s an hour to deadline, and I have run off the tracks with this week’s Realities. I started to comment on the difference between America as I knew it in my youth and America today - a completely different place. But the power of my recollections ran amuck; my memories, still sharp and detailed (unlike other periodic malfunctions) – are fascinating. So, I quickly breached the 600-word limit, into 1,000+-word territory, and garnered editorial frowns.

Instead of pruning the thing back I decided to hold and expand it for Independence Day to celebrate America’s past during the 1940s and 50s. The Republic had its problems then, as humanity aways has, but its bold strength and freedom far outshined those negatives. We were a vibrant, triumphant success, full of hope and promise. We had our “hobos” but not today’s tides of “homelessness.” It was difficult to get into higher education then, but college and university activity didn’t bastardize science or preach sedition for a monetary premium. Universities didn’t have $51 billion in endowment reserves – while charging $100,000 in tuition (Harvard). Common sense would have shown this to be an intolerable scam.

In the 1950s, any American president who would have destroyed border sovereignty by inviting 10-million illegal aliens into the country would have been recognized as a traitor, arrested, tired, convicted of treason, and imprisoned. Today: “The number of illegal immigrants in the country has roughly doubled under President Biden. The United States had some 10.2 million illegal immigrants in 2020, and another 10 million have entered during Biden’s presidency. If the 20 million illegal immigrants were all in one state, it would be tied with New York for the fourth most populated state.”
This is suicide on stilts! But, once again, I’m beginning to gush.