In last week’s Realities, at the beginning of the second-to-last paragraph, I neglected to insert a quotation mark. The entire paragraph is composed of quotes from the late Justice Antonin Scalia; none are mine. Apologies for any confusion. A correction will be found on


A response to Kelly Scoles’ letter:

Hi Kelly,

Thank you for this succulent plate of fictitious goodies you have given me to refute.
Your explanations for Biden’s ghostly on-stage misadventure this week are, as expected, liberally naïve. You believe he “was sick”, or “over prepped”. The reality here is that Joe Biden is just a stubbornly prideful, cognitively impaired scoundrel. His enabling friends in the Democratic Party have placed America in imminent jeopardy of military defeat by placing this lisping, whispering fool in charge of the nuclear suitcase. He will be long gone before the full extent of his criminal activity, and treason, are fully exposed. I fear it will then be too late for our betrayed Republic.
You continually focus on alleged sex scandals. With the most likely exception being Jimmy Carter (and George Washington, no party) it’s difficult to find an ethically virtuous Democratic president! That’s research I would rather avoid. Bill Clinton’s abuse of his intern, his insistence on defining the word “is” to establish his truthfulness, and J.F.K’s serial romances, are established Democrat ethical landmarks. Were either president punished with arrest or mercilessly hectored out of office?

You say “Some of the Democratic political class, [were] busy wilting like violets” over Biden’s disastrous debate performance. I say that “political class” as seen on every media outlet, reacted more like fluffy dandelion seed pods in a windstorm. You praise Biden for “offering no excuses.” But, while reasons abound, no excuses are available. You say he had “one bad night.” I am fearful of Joe having one confused nuclear 3:00 AM – with Kamala trying to help.

You characterize the decision in US v. Trump as an “accommodation.” You say (about the immunity granted Trump from criminal prosecution): “unless you believe you have committed a crime, you do not need such protection [immunity]…” But what of false allegations? Normally a criminal act requires “mens rea” or criminal intent. Here, Trump denies knowledge of any crime in all charges. Your statement “No other president in 250 years has asked for or needed such protection….” That’s because none have been arrested and immunity has been traditionally assumed for freedom in decision making, personal protection and the innate dignity of the office - Washington being the ideal.

I haven’t changed my views on the military condition of the world at this time, which is dire. Anyone who can’t hear the hoofbeats of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse is deafened by Western greed, political naivete, and atheism. The horsemen are conquest, war, famine, and death, foretold in the Book of Revelation. The field of battle is global and the new Axis of Evil, Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea, is igniting an inferno.

It’s my (wholly amateur) opinion that the U.S will be at war this year. Our enemies are not stupid, they will attack, with surprising mass, speed, and coordination, when we are weakest.

Expert military strategists now generally agree with the latest Marian Apparitions (see Fr. Michel Rodrigue or Xavier Reyes-Ayral) online. The primary apparition messages focused upon by these two men are from the Breton Stigmatist and Mystic, Marie-Julie Jahenny, 1850-1941.

I am certainly neither prophet nor mystic myself. I am simply forwarding information which is, for me, “worthy of belief;” nothing more. Comments for and against are warmly invited, and I take full personal responsibility for this dissemination.