Excuse me, Kelly, for skipping my response to your letters (two this week) due to the seriousness of the Trump attempted assassination. I am fixated on the lingering danger.

This week’s Realities will put off many readers for being too religious, and even a touch emotional. But that is just me at age 85, awaiting the final bell. And I don’t regret ringing that bell for truth as I see it.

At Saturday’s Republican convention the world witnessed a first-class miracle, not just fortuitous luck. Former President Donald Trump came within a half-inch of being killed by an assassin’s bullet. Many Catholics know his life was protected by the benevolent hand of the Blessed Virgin Mary, at the behest of her Divine Son, Jesus Christ. Mary as the perfect human “Mother of God” (“All generations will call me blessed” Luke 1:46-49.) has been tasked to assist in the Savior’s work of salvation, and her defending touch is felt throughout human history, as it was in 1981 during and after Pope John Paul II was also shot by an assassin.

In an effort at full disclosure, I’m Catholic myself, and see this event as a critical moment in American history, perhaps the definitive point in deciding the future of the Republic.

Negative political events are happening with abnormal speed amidst confusion and a state of unpreparedness, physical and spiritual. Most citizens are naive about the reality of imminent global war. They are also ignorant about the size of global enemy forces and the imminence of their belligerent intentions. This ignorance can only accelerate the time of attack. It’s easier for a Judeo-Christian believer to understand the threat because we believe in one God, the Creator and Redeemer of humanity. Men were created to follow His instructions but are reluctant to do so. When humanity rejects His plan, even disavows His existence, chaos follows, even chastisements.

Every human being chooses one side or the other. The good guarantees eternal happiness. The evil side, eternal horror. The young man who attempted to assassinate Trump on Saturday, having no chance to change his mind, chose to enter that eternal horror of perfect hate and violence.

I believe Donald Trump was protected by Divine Mercy and set aside as the unique leader for our Republic, the chosen leader at a decisive time. I believe he will lead this nation back to its Judeo-Christian origins – during global war of unprecedented destruction. I believe he will lead our victorious forces against inevitable attacks from Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, and Islamic hordes from North Africa and Asia.

Furthermore, I believe Trump's vice-presidential pick, J.D. Vance, is the perfect choice. He contributes moral, intellectual strength and youthful vigor. Reading his biography, I am truly impressed. Unlike so many of Trump’s former cabinet members and backstabbing “friends”, Vance will be utterly trustworthy. I am strongly convinced that J.D. Vance will, with Donald Trump, work to make America strong, healthy, and victorious again. I see Vance, like Trump, as celestially chosen at this time to defend our nation against diabolical forces. They will work in tandem, with the encouragement and prayers of this nation’s Judeo-Christian citizens to defeat the enemy and restore honor to God and country.

Another great concern of mine is the readiness timeline. If the intentions of our self-identified enemies are to win a (possibly nuclear) war with the West, sooner rather than later serves their purposes best. America, (and the West) is most vulnerable from this point (July) through the election in November, and into 2025. Heated confusion stirred-up by the Democratic Party, a broadly treacherous media, Deep State betrayal, enormous illegal infiltration, and initial terrorist attacks will overwhelm government’s ability to contain. If our enemies are not stupid, they will attack with broad coordination - soon.

At this point I will save readers from any redundant references to current Marian apparitions, and myself from further grief.

Well, there it is. I’ve set myself up for some healthy debate and rebuke.
My bottom line: Humble, heartfelt prayer for mercy and victory can extinguish any flame the enemy might conjure. Prayer is the most important part of “readiness” in a Judeo-Christian nation.