A response to Kelly Scoles’ letter:

Hi Kelly,

I’m going to skip over the personal invective you sprinkle on all MAGA efforts and individuals. The issues today are just too serious to deal with such childish distractions. Besides, I’m rubber you’re glue, it bounces off me and sticks on you! And, that remark about “losers, haters, and traitors” is by now a proven threadbare lie. Even so, how do you account for those “50 former intelligence officials warned” Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation? This is typical of the magnitude of Democratic Party lies. Any apologies?

If you dispute the fact that the Department of Justice, under Attorney General Merrick Garland, and the Bureau under FBI Director Christopher Wray, et al, are entirely corrupt, how do you account for the fact the alleged “malfeasance and crimes” have been thrown out of court as unconstitutional? The charge thought to be most serious (retained secret documents) also thrown out, others expected to follow. Does this impress you?

(Well, around midnight I lost a third of this document. I have really begun to hate this new Word program which was designed to impress the user with its proliferation of nonessential (typically useless) capabilities which can be mysterious and confusing to simple people like me. At this moment I’m as confused as a Democrat scrutinizing a truth.)
Kelly says Biden withdrew from the race due to a “serious fumble.” It was more like a pilot’s recording to passengers onboard the Democratic Party’s Boeing 737, wishing them “good luck” after informing them of a three-engine failure. As for Kamala, she is emblematic of Democratic Party vacuousness. She has been wafted onto the presidential throne before “President” Biden has had a chance to abandon his post. No one has cast a vote for her and Biden is still pretending to be president – while Putin, xi jinping, Kim Jong Un, Ali Khamenei, and the Taliban, smile with that lean and hungry look. I hope Kamala is learning her passwords for the nuclear football, which by law must always be with the president.
Should she ever find herself president of the United States our Republic will be eaten by those enemies who have been teased beyond endurance.


A last word about defense. My objection to those who adamantly reject American war assistance to Ukraine is absolute. Though I strongly support Trump’s candidacy for president, I, with equal strength, disagree with his plans to cut-off weapons and financial assistance to Ukraine. Europe will be lost without Ukraine winning its war with Russia. That’s a fact which will force us into WWIII. We shouldn’t be $32 trillion in debt – but we are. We also cannot afford to support Israel in the same way. But we must! We also cannot afford to defend Taiwan – but we must! When America is itself finally struck, we will not quibble about the cost of defending the nation. Our past spendthrift habits do not negate the necessity of firing-up the “forge of freedom”. Our defense industries (perhaps already too late) must provide what is necessary to defeat our enemies and assist our friends in this effort. And, NO, Trump can’t stop the war in a day!


“…a time for war, and a time for peace.” This is a time for war!