A response to Kelly Scoles’ letter:

Hi Kelly,

It doesn’t take imagination, “prodigious” or impoverished, for me to escape the bounds of “mere Editorials.” But when I begin scribbling about destructive Democratic Party policies a non-fiction method is most illuminating, and often stranger than fiction.

This is because liberals inhabit a Reality Wonderland of confused vocabulary, unstable logic, and a wandering focus.
For example, you accuse me of wanting “everyone to practice [my] Old Testament Christianity.” I admit that it is a Christian desire and invitation, but never compelled. You apparently find the commandments threatening; I find them liberating, the way to clarify morality. Is it OK to mull over the issues of morality? I find it stabilizing and reassuring.
You are OK with “same sex marriage.” I trust the authority that says it is evil and prohibited – from the beginning. Even the “marriage” label here is offensive as a non sequitur fallacy. “Marriage” has been defined since Adam and Eve began their large family. To deliberately attach a false meaning here is iniquitous, a tactic of today’s liberals aiming to deceive - not much different than honoring bestiality as marriage. But marriage is a sacred thing, known as such by believers in the Commandments, and those with healthy common sense. This bizarre Woke phenomenon (same sex) corrodes the essence of true marriage between one man and one woman. It is therefore poisonous to family formation and “promoting the general welfare.”
Now, onwards to your reference to “women’s reproductive rights.” As I’ve said before, we are not talking about “reproduction” here. We’re talking about “abortion”, the opposite of reproduction (new life). Abortion is by definition death – destruction, ending human life.

You mention “suppression of studies of racism, etc.” Can’t follow your argument here. I’m all for “studies” which improve our lives. I have the same problem with your “parents’ choices for their children.” Not enough here to form an opinion. If you refer to gender mutilation of the young, it’s right down there with abortion. I like to affirm life and health.
To elevate our debate a little, Kelly, we should skip the emotional one-liner comments and focus on POLICIES, i.e. what the candidates intend to DO if elected. Our Border Tzarina Kamala Harris is so massively ignorant of government workings she avoids press conferences as being too revealing. She will seek a Biden basement to hide from inquiring citizens.
Kelly, you praise Kamala for “her full-throated and strong celebration of enthusiasm and mirth in laughter…” with her “Optimism and hope for the country”. Her optimism and hope for the country are emotional vapor. I have to ask; do you understand the threat of global war facing the Free World right now? All of this “celebration of enthusiasm and mirth in laughter” by a potential woman president and Woke combat generals, would doom America’s survivability. Feminists understandably despise this sort of misogynistic thought, but it is a dominant theme within the enemy’s psyche (Islam, Communism, and typical dictatorships). A proper respect for womanhood has never existed in those societies, and “familiarity” does breed contempt. The intrinsically evil leaders of Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, and Jihadist proxies do not give a damn about the “optimism and hope for the country and our democracy” which America’s Woke female Democrat Party leadership exudes. They see this, in Kamala, as a perfumed national weakness which they intend to exploit with the threat of nuclear missiles. Mirth is nowhere on their radar screens. Look at their handiwork now in Ukraine and Israel. The “enthusiasm, mirth and laughter” you so much admire in Kamala carries with it the stench of obtuseness, stupidity, and defeat. How can a reasonable citizenry believe Kamala Harris has the intelligence, experience, or ability to assume the duties of Commander in Chief of the most powerful country in the world in time of war? A whiff of her pathetic lack of seriousness immediately attracts the wolfish greed of our insatiable enemies. I recoil in horror at the thought of Kamala having to use that nuclear football!

The fast-arriving presidential election is the most consequential IQ test this country has ever taken and will be graded in the year 2025. It is also a test of our faith in “Old Testament Christianity.” The question: Can the American citizen recognize good from evil, in time.