A response to Kelly Scoles’ letter:

I am too old to get angry over American politics. Instead, I’m just mesmerized by the scene of our ongoing civil war. When I witness the crowd at the Democratic National Convention wildly cheering for the likes of Barack Obama, the Clintons, the Joe Biden family, and Kamala Harris, sadly, it only confirms my opinion that the Republic is passing away. Historians a hundred years from now will conclude that these four entities precipitated its demise. Without an unprecedented, and unexpected abandonment of its communist, socialist, atheist, and hedonist cultural practices, America becomes that half-cooked frog in the pot.

As a charter member of the Fictitious Octogenarian Realists Club of America without portfolio, I believe our nation will soon be attacked by at least four of our most determined enemies, China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea, with odds being even for defeat. Iran alone can quickly inject millions of vengeful Islamic Jihadists. Compared to the present slaughter fests consuming Ukraine and Israel, the final act in a fully global war here can now be truly tectonic. But I’ve said this ad nauseum before.

Putin has lost face over Ukraine blunders, and for a gangster like him this bodes ill for an irrational excuse for nuclear revenge. It’s suggested that he could explode a small tactical nuclear bomb on Russian soil (false flag) to fraudulently justify offensive nuclear “retaliation”. Although North Korea and Iran are newbies to the nuclear club, both Masoud Pezeshkian of Iran, and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un are about to wet themselves with giddy anticipation of their new nuclear bombs. All members of this group have only contempt for female military leaders. Margaret Thatchers are rare indeed and always disciplined their laughter.

The most favorable time for an enemy strike is from the present (August) to the middle of 2025, a time offering surprise aggressors the advantage of massive confusion coupled with widespread unreadiness. With Biden’s illegal millions concealing perhaps one million single-minded Jihadists, our civil police and National Guard will have no chance to contain the anticipated, repetitive, coordinated carnage.

With the prospect of a Kamala presidency, the only hope (my apology to atheists) is sincere, humble, prayer for Divine Mercy. Of course, those who reject the existence of God may be compelled to waste away with Kamala’s Transgender troops or Eunuchs United for Peace.

I’m off track. Kelly, we can’t “hastily correct” stolen valor. The man fled from the sound of the guns. It’s supposed to be the other way around. Walz is a putz. Also, you should bone-up on “combat journalists” like Ernie Pyle. “…a total of 69 journalists were killed in WWII, 63 in the Vietnam war”. You say, “He saw little action.” When you are stationed in a missile live fire zone no place is safe, as hundreds of our guys are finding out in Syria. You also quote Trump out of context, and falsely allege the infamous “suckers and losers” slander. This has been thoroughly refuted numerous times by on-scene witnesses. Who would ever say such a stupid, irreverent thing? Not any Commander in Chief. Trump has done great things for all veterans.

For me the national moral downfall began in the 1960s. Treasonous attitudes metastasized throughout our education system, with greed and political power dominating. The same types continue to betray the country and support our enemies.
Kelly, just watching the crowd at the Democratic convention induces sadness, for I see the American citizenry has changed fundamentally, for the worst, possibly forever. Comparing today’s Americans to those living in the 1940s-1950s is a depressing task. We have become very different people. We are ignorant of our history, and most all, remain ungrateful for God’s unparalleled blessings. God is love and mercy. He is also perfectly just. By rejecting His mercy we are asking for His justice, for which we are unprepared.

I would much rather ruminate about last week’s Dave the Fire Horse!