I’m happy to have received two letters from Kelly Scoles this week. The first is a comment on last week’s letter from Ryan Shiells about the sacred Name “Jesus” alleged not to be His real name. This name (Jesus) is, according to Mr. Schells, the result of a “bait and switch disinformation” by “nefariously funded religious experts.” We expressed our differences of opinion by email prior to publication. I will not engage again. Arguing about historically established spellings of YHWH, Jesus, and Yeshua, screened through a half-dozen languages over 4,000 years, is unproductive. YHWH, Hebrew name for God, was held so sacred that vowels were removed to make that word unspeakable. Jesus spoke in Aramaic, still spoken in a half-dozen isolated areas of the East. I’m not a linguist, historian, or theologian, but these are accepted historical facts.


Kelly, once again you expect me to answer an avalanche of assorted statements. To save face, if not patience, I will bulletize some answers.

As that “older person” I don’t dwell on “everything from the rosy nostalgia of youth.” Memories “inconsistent” with the best of yesteryear are not “aberrant.” That image is yours not mine. But you come closer to reality when you characterize the Republic today as, comparatively, a “catastrophe” and possibly “hellish”. You Democrats have jumped tracks to the “Freedom” line just as you jumped from old Joe Biden to giddy Kamala when Obama snapped his fingers.

No doctor has moral authority to collude with a mother to kill her newborn baby. Babies are unique human beings, with unique eternal souls, whatever their physical size. By Judeo-Christian ethical standards for more than 4,000 years, it is clearly murder. The first murder was recognized as such by Almighty God as he confronted Cain, the first felon. But atheists remain ignorant of these eternal truths. You keep harping about Freedom, a newly coined Democrat idea plagiarized from bedrock Republican history. Ironic, seeing that from the beginning, and through the Civil War (which Democrats started), they fought to secure their system of slavery!
The rejection of Roe v. Wade has provided that Freedom you seek by giving each state the ability to characterize abortion as legal or not. Are you so addicted to governmental muscle that you are afraid to let citizens of each state think and act for themselves?
Feminism has kneecapped America by bastardizing science, ruining women’s sporting activities, and creating wildly fictitious categories of humanity, as found in the “aberrant” LGBTQIA+ acronym denoting psychological foolishness. It’s become a slick game for hungry for-profit specialists. To convince ignorant fellow travelers of their nefarious schemes, Leftists need only destroy the idea of God. Without the supreme order, omnipotence and goodness of God, mankind (generic reference) runs amuck, anything goes, including scientific method, spiritual awareness, and stabilizing Commandments. Show me a century where this hasn’t happened. We’ve always been slow learners – even then, only after God’s fearsome intervention.


You criticize House Speaker Mike Johnson for calling homosexuality “pornography.” He’s only restating the traditional moral foundations of America. You and your Leftist minions want to change history to suit your anti-American moral philosophy. I hope conservative traditionalists can defeat that plan in the coming presidential election, for survival’s sake.


You defend government’s stocking of virulently pornographic books in children’s public libraries. Words, lurid illustrations and photos of homosexual activities may not offend you, but they provoke strong remedial demands from most of America. This outrageous content is so bad that congress stopped Republicans attempts to show it to members. “AOC and Raskin: Pornography Is Okay for Children, Not for Congress” - “Democrats were infuriated”. Jamie Raskin called the display “an assault on the dignity of the committee.” “AOC accused Republicans of reaching a “new low” by showing “pornographic” images to Congress.” Why would Democrats complain when they demand that our children view this filth?

Michelangelo’s statue of David? The solution here is to have a Leftist Democrat artist chisel-away the offending male genitalia and pronounce it a masterpiece of Transgender art.