A response to Kelly Scoles’ letter:

Hi again, Kelly,

Frankly, with news of the most recent satanic Russian missile attacks upon Ukrainian orphanages, hospitals, schools, playgrounds, shopping malls, and civilian homes, your letter this week seems just too pathetic to answer.
You quote “former political advisor and retired U.S. Marine Corps General John Kelly, who served as White House chief of staff for President Donald Trump from 2017 to 2019” alleging Trump called “those who defended their country in uniform” “suckers, because there is nothing in it for them.” This has been completely rebutted. (Gen.) Kelly is just a Never-Trumper and a supercilious ass.

I honor his son, buried at Arlington among the greatest of our American heroes, because “No greater love” can be shown than by laying down one’s life for another, as he did.

I do not honor Kelly, however. He exhibits the worst kind of treachery when he stabs his former Commander in Chief in the back with the sharpest of calumnies, a slander that in much of our history would have demanded a duel.

I see this character trait in too many retired flag officers who served Trump, including another Marine General James (“mad dog”) Mattis, Secretary of Defense from 2017 to 2019, retired Marine Corps four-star general, who also slandered his former superior saying, “Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people – does not even pretend to try. Instead, he tries to divide us.” To be polite, this is political hogwash.
Both of these political turncoats prefer giggling Kamala Harris to be Commander in Chief as we march into global war! It’s a question of stolen trustworthiness – or (to be kinder) perhaps missing common sense.

I do not defend every statement Trump makes, including his promise to end the Ukraine war in a day. I support Trump primarily because he has the tenacity and experience to deal strongly with our enemies (with whom we are about to engage) and to avoid Kamala’s weak socialist naivete which would destabilize our defense by replacing her word salad with war salad. However, on at least one critical policy I ardently disagree, i.e. the defense of Ukraine.

Your reference to the disastrous Afghanistan surrender is so fatally flawed I will not bother to respond.
It would be a waste of time responding to most of your confettied Trump libels. But war in Ukraine and Israel move quickly towards the U.S.
Germany recently announced a severe cutback on Ukrainian war supplies. This, following the disastrous 8-month previous stoppage by Republicans, continues slow, inadequate help to defeat Russia. I am faced with a draconian dilemma. Except for the defense leadership emergency facing us after Biden, and perhaps with Kamala, Trump’s presumably absolute anti-Ukrainian stance would cause me to withhold my vote for him. It is imperative that Ukraine WIN against Russia. Putin will not stop until he is forced to stop. He suffers from his Mongol DNA (see: Mongo, Blazing Saddles, 2011). NATO, America, and other allies must supply everything Ukraine needs to defeat Russia now – or we may take over the job directly very soon.

Ukrainians have shown they can win; they are smart, innovative, and courageous. There is a moral imperative here to defend freedom and Judeo-Christian democracy against atheistic tyranny both in Israel and Ukraine. Support Netanyahu! A “two-state solution” has never existed!

Russia and Iran need to be effectively destroyed. Ukraine can defeat Russia if we provide all the weapons it needs, QUICKLY. Israel will defeat Hamas and Hezbollah if we stop obstructing its plan. Israel can defeat Iran (absolute necessity) by obliterating Iran’s oil refining facilities at Abadan, whose complex processes and transfers 80 percent of its oil and gas.


Hamas Jihadists (who just murdered six of their hostages in Rafah, Gaza) will reemerge roachlike from the dirt with a ceasefire, and Russia just finished its greatest Ukrainian bloodletting on an orphanage, will grind down into an unprepared Europe.