Before I respond to Kelly Scoles’ letter, just some thoughts about the most recent attempted assassination of former President Trump.

Saying “most recent” acknowledges expectations of more politically motivated assassination attempts. This is a reality created by that legion of Democratic Party members and media who suffer from the dreaded “Trump Derangement Syndrome”. The irrational DNA causing this brain disease is pure, unadulterated hatred, which disrupts normal thinking. It creates a free-floating irrationality which seeks to justify irrational acts and thoughts. Since I’m not a psychiatrist I’ll just characterize these folks as nutzoids, dangerous people of the Left.

This week Kelly accuses Trump of being an “immoral sexual actor” and that “sexual crimes are an indication of lack of character.” To the first allegation Trump pleads innocent; to the second most people would agree. So, Kelly believes Trump lacks moral character and, therefore, should not be reelected president. We have squeezed this lemon to dusty pulp. I have no more squeeze power to respond; like that 2004 Monty Python Flying Circus dead parrot sketch, the issue is deceased for me. It is dead. Should we also examine the sexual perversities of Democrat office holders as well? If Kamala gets in, should we expose her private dalliances in pursuit of public office? From both sides of the aisle, I think only Carter, Reagan, and Nixon would survive a marital integrity test. Just a thought – should Jefferson’s alleged sexual deviance have caused him to be ostracized? If those allegations were truly proven, Kelly would certainly condemn him as she accuses Trump of the same “depraved conduct”. Was Clinton’s treatment of his White House intern Monica Lewinsky also “depraved conduct” worthy of his impeachment, conviction, and removal from office? Did Democrats reelect Clinton despite the scandal? You agree that “we are all serial sinners” Kelly, it’s just that Democrats are serial hypocrites as well.

As for that “bloodbath” comment. I cannot find an American president who was ever able to avoid this word, and as for “targeting” opponents, read about “Democrats roll out Michigan billboards targeting Trump.” “Targeting” Trump, as Democrats do, is to play with a loaded word. Trump is also not “Hitler” or a “threat” to the nation, more Democrat inflammatory lies. This kind of propaganda incites violence among weak-minded radicals, like Ryan Wesley Routh, Thomas Matthew Crooks, John Hinckley Jr., and Lee Harvey Oswald, and encourages media newspeak.

A reminder: “There have been 45 men elected president since the country’s founding. And 40% of them have experienced known attempts on their lives. Four presidents – Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, William McKinley, and John F. Kennedy – have been assassinated.”

I cannot defend inappropriate language or statements by Trump, just as I can never defend the conduct of a womanizing rake like Bill Clinton, or his foul-mouthed wife, Hillary. Can you? But I’m not voting for a pope, priest, or preacher. I’m voting for the person who will be the strongest Commander in Chief at a time of approaching war. If we can forgive Jefferson for far greater alleged misconduct, we should find it easier to forgive alleged personal misbehavior from Trump, especially to facilitate defeating the wolf snarling at our front door.

Kelly, your comment about “lack of evidence” on Biden family criminal behavior is false to the point of silliness. The Family’s criminality is notorious throughout the world. Hunter’s laptop is irrefutable evidence of that. You are too familiar with frivolous social personalities like Taylor Swift. I’m a somewhat more secluded homebody, haven’t been to a movie since the “Duke” was popular and William F. Buckley was reminding conservatives “not to immanentize the eschaton!" (a caution against insistence on perfection.) Had to throw that in for old time’s sake! His TV program Firing Line remains for me the best of its type ever produced.

Finally, Kelly, I take exception to your comment on my supposed opinion of “women’s competency”. I have always had the greatest respect for women, except Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, et. al. Women keep men from destroying the Earth, especially my Blessed Mother, Mary. But, doing my best to remain inclusive, my list of despised male Democrats greatly exceeds that of the females. I include Senator Chuck Schumer, Senator Bernie Sanders, Senator Dick Durbin, and Senator Cory Booker, as samples.

My concern with female “competency” today zeros on Kamala Harris, Border Tzarina and last-minute Democrat left-over. In an almost comical switch from old Joe to cackling Kamala, she’s in play without even having to explain why she wants to change basic Biden-Harris policies. And let’s acknowledge the most important women responsible for “housework” as “homemakers”, not mere “housewives”! They create, protect and preserve our generations of family. God bless them all!

I almost forgot. It’s the Fillmore Gazette’s 35th birthday today.