I was surprised to learn of the departure of our City Manager Dave Rowlands this week. He has guided the City of Fillmore flawlessly for 11 years and I am sorry to see him go, though glad to hear he has accepted even more responsibility as the new Manager for the City of Santa Maria.

Dave came into Fillmore at a time when city politics was wrecking the community, when meetings were acrimonious and attitudes combative, the worst time in the 35-years I’ve experienced. He led with a steady and understanding hand which transformed city hall and maximized civic cooperation.

Thanks, Dave, for your great work. The best of luck in your new position; we will miss your influence.


I remember how the liberal press hated Richard Nixon with an implacable intensity. This was during the 1970s Watergate scandal, after Nixon had defeated George McGovern in
1972 in one of the largest landslide victories in American history (60.7% of the popular vote, carrying 49 states.) He was forced to resign shortly thereafter.

The hatred of Donald Trump during the past 10 years, manifested in widespread, unconstitutional Lawfare attacks (impeachments, arrests, calumnies, phony investigations, FBI attacks, attempted assassinations, etc.) are today magnitudes greater than those against Nixon.

Trump has endured those slings and arrows. You might say, despite his social flaws, he’s as tough as shoe leather, which his enemies have learned to fear and respect. He keeps his word. These are excellent characteristics for an American president today as we face globalist terrorists and satanic totalitarians plotting to destroy our democratic society. These traits will serve our country well as Trump faces down Russia’s Putin, China’s ‎Xi Jinping, Iran’s Ali Khamenei, and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un. Mere requests like Biden’s “don’t” are laughed at, as are giggles and presidents in pantsuits pretending to be tough. We know for sure that Khamenei would just shout “Get thee into a burkea”. Our enemies do not engage in vocal fantasies. Study deeply the details of the Hamas attack, which Hamas plotted for more than a year to murder 1,700 innocent Israelis, especially women, at a music festival. Yes, I know, feminists are outraged and insulted by such statements. But 1,400-years of bloody Islamic Jihad and the 7 October 2023 Hamas surprise attack on Israel tells the truth about our Jihadist enemy. A female non-believer president should expect to receive that historical contempt due a typical “kafir”, with or without the giggle. Kamala orders to “just don’t” would be heard as a weak, contemptable challenge.


A brief response to Kelly Scoles’ letter:

Hi Kelly,

I am again discombobulated due to appointments. Sorry.

I cannot always excuse the occasional verbal antics of Donald Trump. I’m tired of them and think they’re sometimes highly inappropriate. At times they make me angry and I have to say “Why in hell did you say that?!” But, I know of very few successful angelic national leaders. Most of the generals of his time hated General Patton because he was the richest officer in WWII, kept a stable of polo ponies, cussed like a drunken private soldier, and had an ugly, ill-tempered dog. But he had the soul of a combat general, like my favorite Biblical General, David, with his own flaws. I can’t see him ever surrendering Afghanistan or welcoming homosexuality into his army. So, I will vote for Donald Trump despite his social defects and occasional outrageous comments. I know several now-retired generals who damn him for alleged statements. However, as Lincoln responded to critics of General Grant (he drinks too much), “When someone charged Gen. Grant, in the President’s hearing, with drinking too much liquor, Mr. Lincoln, recalling Gen. Grant’s successes, said that if he could find out what brand of whisky Grant drank, he would send a barrel of it to all the other commanders.” “That man fights!”
As for Harris, her leadership ability can be easily seen in the 90 percent of her ladies-in-waiting who have quit that otherwise highly desirable job; they couldn’t stand working for her. She is famous for alienating associates, assistants – and for being lazy and usually unprepared. She also has zero military experience to recommend her to become Commander in Chief of our military forces. I can’t see Trump facilitating the installation of tampon machines in men’s bathrooms – I leave that to Kamala and her Elmer Fudd vice president wannabe.