Sometimes the force of good news is as startling as bad news. Newton’s “annus mirabilis” in 1666 was incredible because “he formulated the Law of Universal Gravitation, developed calculus, and emphasized integrating observation with theory that year. These advancements revolutionized the understanding of motion and the physical world, laying the groundwork for modern physics.” But that year also brought bad events.

I think it’s fair to call 2025 America’s “annus mirabilis” with Trump’s historic win. Comparisons between this year and the year 1666 are interesting. Newton’s incredible intellectual triumphs were things to rejoice about that year, but he also faced the Great Fire of London which “burned day and night for almost four days in 1666 until only a tiny fraction of the city remained” after having destroyed more than 13,000 houses, which, combined with the Great Bubonic Plague, killed approximately 100,000 people. The beginning of the second Dutch War also contributed to that annus mirabilis.

Today we are witness to the unpresented second inauguration of President Donald J. Trump after 10 years of criminal Democratic Party machinations to destroy his pursuit of the presidency. We are also dealing with unprecedented wildfires which continue to destroy whole cities. Warnings of great plagues (from China again) as well as from people I find to be worthy of belief, tell of pathogenic crises beyond the ability of science to control. Then we have ongoing wars in Ukraine and Israel, and another being prepped for Taiwan, all of which could bring on famine. While creating my gloomscape I should include Noahesque floods and earthquakes of unimaginable scope. And my ignorance of astronomy protects my imagination from images of the big stuff colliding in the deep out-there, for my good.

I’ve sketched a quick map of the human condition today with Donald Trump defeating all commers who challenged his will to victory, and lost. The closer he remains to His Divine Will the more victorious he will be. We are truly at the cusp of imminent apocalyptic change. The horses are mounted, white for conquest, red for war, black for pestilence and/or famine, and pale (from “pallor”) for death. I can hear the hoofbeats and oncoming whinny. I wish they were Houyhnhnm from Gulliver’s travels instead of steeds from Revelation 6 bringing War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death.
I still rejoice in Donald Trump’s victory. I believe it has halted an otherwise abrupt end to America the Beautiful. God bless America forever.


The only remaining Trump cabinet nominee I object to is Tulsi Gabbard. She is in no way qualified to lead as Director of National Intelligence. Forgive me, Mr. President, but this was a bone-headed, even dangerous nomination to this enormous agency.

A Director of National Intelligence (DNI) serves as the head of the U.S. Intelligence Community, overseeing and directing the implementation of the National Intelligence Program, acting as the primary intelligence advisor to the President, National Security Council, and Homeland Security Council, and ensuring the effective integration of all national and homeland security intelligence to protect U.S. interests; essentially coordinating and prioritizing intelligence gathering across various agencies to provide the most comprehensive picture possible to the President and other key decision-makers.
Key responsibilities include Leading the Intelligence Community.


Sos: As I write these words aggressive wildfire is heading towards Fillmore from Santa Clarita. The sky is smoke-filled. Very dangerous. Must cut short. No time to edit.