I can’t recall a busier time than the past few months. We’ve had horrific fires with loss of life, tens of thousands of acres torched, with the same number of homes, even whole cities, destroyed. We have witnessed the inauguration of our new president, Donald Trump, and watched his new cabinet members begin to take their seats. Hostages have been released which were taken by Hamas during their murderous ambush of a peaceful Israeli music festival, to start a war, which once again, they lost.

War in Ukraine grinds on, with Ukraine, though out-gunned and out-manned, destroying Russia’s oil and gas industry with homemade drones. China is now personally involving itself in the Ukraine War, with North Korea and Iran. These events are only a small part of the global picture showing Eastern and Western nations arming for war. The world has recently been alerted to the probable collapse of the Russian Federation’s economy.

Trump plans to meet with Putin soon. The critical question is whether Trump will boldly exercise the overwhelming leverage he has over Putin. Reports from the Russian disinformation media try to convince the world that Russia’s economy is robust, when detailed study says Russia is a “house of cards” inviting bankruptcy this year. “Russia’s $250 billion secret war fund threatens financial collapse according to a recent analysis provided by an ex-Bank of America Vice Chairman [Craig Kennedy].” “The Kremlin forced Russian banks to provide $210-250 billion in preferential [unsecured] loans to defense contractors, matching its official military budget.” NATO is also holding $300 billion in frozen Russian money which Putin is desperate to get back to cover these loans. These funds are being given to Ukraine to fight the war.

The Ukraine War which Putin started, anticipating victory in three days, is destroying Russia after three years. Nothing is working in Russia, not its economy, military, railroads, pipelines, airlines, commercial fleet, not its shadow fleet of some 200 unseaworthy vessels. Forty percent of Russian GDP goes to fund the war, and inflation is at 21-percent. Oligarchs are alarmed.

Russia’s $250 billion secret war fund threatens financial collapse according to a recent analysis provided by ex-Bank of America Vice Chairman Craig Kennedy.

“Kennedy’s explosive analysis proves Russian economy is bankrupt. Craig exposes hidden defense debt and a credit bubble, aggravated by punitive interest rates and sanctions. It is not an economic fortress Russia but a house of cards.”
Russian defense companies have been operating at a loss for two years. Experts expect capital flight and a run on the banks, perhaps this year.

I strongly recommend Jake Broe’s column:

Russia’s Banking Crisis Will Destroy Everything

Jake Broe

564K subscribers. 542,605 views Premiered Jan 16, 2025 #ukraine #nato #russia

“It has been revealed that the Kremlin has forced private banks in Russia to give $250 billion in preferential [unsecured] loans to Russian defense companies to support Putin’s war in Ukraine. Russia’s central bank is incapable of bailing out either the banks or the defense companies as all the loans on their books are toxic and can never be paid back. Russia could financially collapse at any moment.” “Russian Economy Facing a Tidal Wave of Bankruptcies” Newsweek, Published Jan 28, 2025 at 5:11 AM EST. “The Russian war economy is facing a ‘moment of truth’ as Putin’s dwindling cash reserves raise odds of a financial crash, expert says.”

By Jason Ma, January 26, 2025, at 2:33 PM PST.

Trump can end the Ukrainian War quickly by ending Russia’s economy, which could fall in 2025. Official statistics indicate that Russia has lost 820,000 soldiers in the war to date. Over one million have been lost in total numbers!
Vasily Astrov and other Russia watchers, have previously said that the economy will be unable to sustain the war on Ukraine for much longer.

Trump should hammer Putin with maximum tariffs and sanctions which could crush the demonic Federation for good.