Ms. Tulsi Gabbard is the only cabinet nominee I continue to oppose, due to her total lack of qualifications, serious lifelong cult connections, longstanding liberal opinions, and secretive meetings with Russian and Syrian dictators. She would be a long-term liability for this huge cabinet office. I am stunned to learn that one of my most admired politicians, Sen. Tom Cotton, has pushed this nominee to comply with President Trump’s wish despite the risk. Although I’m a fervent Trump supporter, truth must be told to power regardless of political discomfort. Gabbard is not only unqualified, she’s a security risk herself.


My life has been marked by coincidence. While Trump talks of taking back the Panama Canal I recall the heated debates for and against gifting the canal to Panama. Mentioned before is the 1978 TV debate on this issue between Governor Ronald Reagan and Wm. F. Buckley, Jr. (both preeminent conservatives). I was shocked that Buckley would urge President Carter to give away that project for which we paid $375 million (equivalent to almost $12 billion in today’s dollars to build). Malaria and Yellow Fever took tens of thousands of workers, French, locals and Americans. This was the single most expensive construction project in United States history at that time and today is still seen as a great wonder of the world.
I happened to spend about a week in Ft. Kobbe, Canal Zone, in 1959. We flew from Fort Bragg, N.C. in winter bundled up in field jackets, to the Zone in summer. Couldn’t believe the gush of hot air when the doors were opened in Panama. Just a distractive memory.

Confession: Thinking of the Canal Zone and Trump’s recent comments about taking it back, I found that Buckley-Reagan debate online. Watched the whole thing again after decades, and burned up my writing time. I still say Reagan won that debate, though Buckley was almost too eloquent. Reagan was clear, direct, and correct. That debate is worth listening to again. Trump would be right to retake the canal and Reagan’s reasons were logical.

The Democratic Left continues to criticize MAGA for implementing America First policies to clean up the Deep State and reestablish strength and transparency, even though Republicans won the election by a landslide and the popular vote as well. “President-elect Donald Trump’s individual vote count was one for the record books. Not only did his 77.3 million votes top Kamala Harris’ 75 million votes, but it broke a decades-long streak.” Americans spoke loud and clear.

The Left continues to rail about nonexistent threats by Trump planning military attacks upon Panama, Greenland, and Canada. The U.S. has maintained large defensive military developments on Greenland since WWII. It is a critical tactical early warning location long highly beneficial to Greenland and its Danish overseer. There is no need whatsoever to think of attacking that nation. A generous 100-year lease could make millionaires of each and every Greenlander. Many other ways exist for America to avail itself of that strategically valuable island. Why all the commotion?

Panama is a different matter. Conservatives all warned of a Chinese infestation from east and west if the U.S. gave away its sovereignty over the Zone. We gave it away (a stupid Carter decision) with conditions and China immediately began to control both ends of the canal. Now that China is identified as our first enemy among others, Ronald Reagan’s arguments are finally being adopted. In Trump’s words “We gave the canal to Panama, not China” and China will not keep control. There are non-kinetic options here, but a corrupt pro-communist government cannot be left to threaten our commerce and defense.
All the worry about Canada being attacked by America is just silly.

Secure Panama and Greenland – and forget Tulsi.