Illinois Supreme Court Unanimously Confirms the Second Amendment Right to Carry Outside the Home

Written by By Chuck Michel

The gun ban lobby, along with many courts around the country, have thumbed their noses at the Supreme Court’s landmark decisions (Heller and McDonald), which declared that the Second Amendment protects from local, state, or federal infringement a fundamental, individual right to keep and bear arms, especially for self-defense.

Lawyers for the gun ban lobby and anti-gun government actors have argued to limit the High Court’s decisions by reading them as only protecting the right to keep and bear arms within the home. Sadly, this disingenuous reading of those decisions has been adopted by some states, municipalities, and courts that are largely hostile to the Supreme Court’s rulings, and to the Second Amendment, in general. In some cases, the argument has served as the legal justification for laws that entirely prohibit individuals from carrying firearms in public.

One of the states...