Why arm Mideast Muslims, not Christians?
Exclusive: Joseph Farah urges U.S. to aid persecuted believers in 'holocaust'

Written by Joseph Farah

(Warning: This column contains extremely graphic images of children killed and beheaded by ISIS.)

Barack Obama’s “strategy” for defeating ISIS is to arm what he describes as Muslim “moderates,” mainly members of the so-called Free Syrian Army.

He also claims most victims of ISIS’ killing spree are Muslims, a questionable claim at best and a misleading one for certain.

ISIS has specifically targeted for rape, slavery, crucifixion, beheading, torture and mass execution all who are not Sunni Muslims, including Christians, Shiites, Yazidis and other religious minorities in Iraq and Syria. No one has a handle on the death toll – not even Obama, who, until recently showed little concern with the scorched-earth policies of the ISIS killing machine, which he compared to a “jayvee” basketball team.

What we do know... http://www.wnd.com/2014/09/why-arm-mideast-muslims-not-christians/