88 Friday, January 16, 2009
PATRIOTIC OBSERVANCE: January 16, 1991 - Operation Desert Storm was announced by the White House.
LU NCH: Deli Sandwich, potato chips, lettuce/tomato
1. GIRLS SOCCER - HOME w/Oaks Christian. JV game begins at 4:30PM, Varsity at 6PM.
2. BOYS BASKETBALL - AWAY @ Santa Clara. FROSH ONLY. Game begins at 4:00PM. FROSH BOYS ONLY are excused from class at 2PM and will depart at 2:15PM.
3. BOYS BASKETBALL - AWAY @ Grace Brethren. JV game begins at 5:30PM, Varsity at 7PM. See Coach Blakenship and Coach Sebeck for departure times.
4. BOYS SOCCER - AWAY @ Oaks Christian. JV game begins at 3:15PM, Varsity at 5:15PM. Boys are excused from class at 1PM to depart at 1:15PM.
5. SPRING SPORT PHYSICALS - Dr. Bautista will be offering Physicals to SPRING SPORT ATHLETES on Wednesday, January 21st beginning at 3:30PM. Athletic Packets can be obtained in the Student Store.
6. LETTERMAN JACKETS - Dagen Sales will be here on THURSDAY, JANUARY 22ND at lunch for students interested in ordering a Letterman’s Jackets. A $50 deposit is due at the time of the order.
7. VARSITY / JV FOOTBALL / CROSS COUNTY / PEP SQUAD - Your Individual and Team Photos are ready for distribution at KSSP Photography. Please personally pick them up at their studio.
8. JV & VARSITY FOOTBALL PLAYERS that did not attend the Banquet……Please pick-up your awards from Lynn in the Student Store.
1. MENTOR PROGRAM – officer’s meeting TODAY at lunch in Rm. 10.
2. FASHION CLUB – meeting at lunch on Wednesday, Jan. 21st to discuss fashion show. New members are always welcome.
1. Josten’s will be here TODAY during break only for late orders for cap and gowns/ announcements. Bring your money and paperwork.
2. Senior Baby Pictures: The Yearbook staff would like to put your baby picture in the yearbook. Turn in your baby picture to Mrs. Casanave in room 1 before or after school no later than Feb. 6 (write your name and first per teacher on the back of the photo). FREE!
3. Senior Wills! - Wills must be 200 words or less. AVOID TEXT LINGO. Must be school appropriate, and must be e-mailed to Mrs. Casanave ASAP!! Wills are $20 each and you must pay in the student store after your will is approved. E-mail wills no later than Feb 13:
Scholarships: See Mrs. Larin in the College & Career Center for details.
• Ventura County Community Foundation Scholarship can be picked up from Mrs. Larin in the College and Career Center. Do not wait until the last minute to apply! Make sure to follow all instructions or you can be disqualified. Deadline is Jan 16th.
• The APIASF Scholarship - see Mrs. Larin or go to Deadline is Jan 19th.
• The William S. Davila - see Mrs. Larin or go to Deadline is Jan. 20th.
1. STUDENT HARD DRIVE - Although students have freed up some space on the student hard drive we still see 4 gigabytes used up for music and video files. Please delete all video and music files.
2. Do you want to get sweet revenge against your teachers? Here’s your chance! The AVID Club is sponsoring a Pie Throwing Contest staring your favorite teachers! Cost is $2.00 for chance to cream your teachers. Be there on January 30th for all the action.
3. Winter Formal– Saturday, January 17th at the Memorial Building at 8:00 p.m. - Tickets sold at lunch in the Student Store for $60.00 a couple and $35.00 single. DJ Devine from the mid day morning show from Q-104.7 will be the DJ.
4. FILM FESTIVAL - There will be a meeting for ALL students directing a film for the festival at lunch on Wednesday 1/21 in Rm. 18
5. ONE STEP - One Step will be closed Monday Jan 19th. If you submitted an application for hire to the OSC you will be contacted to set up an interview for Tues, Wed or Thurs of next week. If you know it is difficult to get a hold of you, please speak to Hilary Carson or Eron Chavez to make sure you get an interview time.
6. CRIME STOPPERS - $50 cash award for reporting any crimes on campus, including but not limited to weapons, violence, gang activity, drugs, vandalism or thefts. See any administrator, counselor or Officer Peterson for more information.
7. COST CUTTING INFO - As you may be aware, we have been asked by the district to restrict unnecessary expenditures. It has come to the attention of the administration that there has been a lot of waste of paper towels, toilet paper and seat covers. Please help us by not wasting the paper goods in the restrooms. If the supply of paper goods is low, please let someone know. Do not use the seat covers as paper towels. Although is seems like a small expense, it adds up quickly. We need to make sure that the restroom supply budget is not gone before the end of the school year. TEACHERS – Paper towels will no longer be provided for your classrooms.
NO SCHOOL ON MONDAY, JANUARY 19TH – in memory of Martin Luther King, Jr.