FHS Bulletin #129 Monday, March 25, 2011

129 Monday, March 25, 2011
PATRIOTIC OBSERVANCE: March 25, 1979 - Nuclear power plant accident at Three Mile Island, near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
LUNCH: Teriyaki beef dippers, steamed rice, broccoli, fresh fruit.
1. BASEBALL – HOME w/SANTA PAULA. JV and Varsity games begin at 3:30PM. Team is excused from class at 2PM.
2. BOYS VOLLEYBALL - HOME w/HUENEME. JV match begins at 4:30PM, Varsity follows.
1. The M.E.Ch.A Club invites all ladies to sign up to run for the Cinco de Mayo court. Sign up in Rm. 45 (Ms. Juarez) before school, tutorial or
at lunch. Interviews will be April 4 – 7.
2. MENTOR PROGRAM: Mon. lunch meeting Rm 42, all juniors and seniors who would like to attend the "Youth Empowerment Summit" on Fri.
May 6, please come to the meeting and sign up. Sespe after school mentoring today.
3. Prayer Club will meet Tuesday at lunch in room 2. We welcome everyone!
1. Grad Nite Live – meeting on Wed., March 30th at 4:00 at the Double A Café for all students participating in fundraisers. Bring your money
and/or tickets for the Central Station and Attraction Spa fundraisers. FREE Nacho Bar and sodas will be served!
2. If you want pictures in the Senior Slide Show, start turning them in to Ms. Schieferle or Lynn in the Student Store.
3. Your senior ads are past due! Email your text (and pictures, if you want) by next week to get your ad in this year’s yearbook. The cost is
$25 for 1/8 of a page, $50 for ¼ of a page, $100 for ½ of a page, and $200 for a full page. These are already late, so hurry! Email your ads to
Mrs. Casanave, bring them to room 38, or put them in her box in the office.
4. DISNEYLAND TRIP - This year’s cost to go on the Disneyland Trip is $57.00. Start early by paying for your ticket or you can make payments
to the Student Store. Permission Slips are available in the Student Store and must be completed prior to the trip.
• Rotary Club of Fillmore Sun Risers - Deadline is April 1st.
• Rotary Club of Fillmore-Noontime - Deadline is April 1st
• Piru Petroleum - Deadline is April 1st.
• Fillmore Women’s Service Club - Deadline is April 6th.
• Mario and Rosaria Contini Scholarship - Deadline is April 15th.
• Henry Mayo Newhall Scholarship - Deadline is April 15th.
• Bob Kernen Memorial Scholarship is available to students who plan
to attend a four-year university. You must have a 3.0 GPA. Deadline
is April 22nd. See Mrs. Larin for an application.
4. If you are interested in participating in the FHS Talent Show, stop by the Student Store to pick up an audition form. Turn it in by April
13th to Mr. Overton or Barbara Lemons.
5. The Arts Show is scheduled for April 12th. If you have artwork that you would like to exhibit in the show, please bring it/them to Rm. 34
6. Thinking of going to Prom? Sure you are! Don’t miss out! Do your homework, ask questions in class and get whatever help you need
because you must have minimum of a 2.0 GPA by the 4th qtr Progress Report to go to Prom and all detentions cleared up and no
truancies etc., You are needed at Prom so get busy getting the GPA up, be good and be at school! :) Prom tickets will go on sale
on April 27.
7. The Fillmore Aquatic Center will be having class's for anyone interested in becoming a lifeguard or swim instructor. The dates for the lifeguard
class are: April 1- April 3 and April 8- April 10. This is just ONE class that covers both of the mentioned weekends, Friday, Sat. and Sun. The
cost of the class is $150.00 and does cover materials. You may sign up and pay for the class at Fillmore City Hall. The dates for the Water
Safety Instruction (swim instructor) class are April 15 - April 17 and April 29 - May 1. This also is just ONE class that covers two weekends
Friday, Sat. and Sun. The cost of this class is $150.00 and does cover materials. Sign up and payment are also at Fillmore City Hall.
8. Students: It is very important that you understand that you cannot have any kind of knife, a real or pretend gun, paint ball guns, or any other
kind of weapon at school. You cannot make any kind of a threat to a student or staff member. You also cannot have or be under the influence
of any drug or have drug paraphernalia at school. Your school and our school board have ZERO tolerance for these things. Students have
been expelled for having these items at school. No excuse for not knowing that these things are not allowed at school will be accepted. Take
this seriously and help keep your school safe for you and everyone. These rules apply 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including when
school is not in session. Thank you. ……...John Wilber, Principal…..
1. Fillmore Baseball Hats on sale in the Student Store for $20.
2. FOUND in Mrs. Sacco’s room #48 - Hammered brass 3-inch earrings, possibly from the CSEA meeting before vacation. Please see Mrs. Sacco if they are
3. Totally Rad, the 80’s Musical opens this Friday, April 1st! To celebrate the opening, everyone is invited to wear your 80’s hair and
clothes. Tickets are now on sale.
CLASS MEETINGS – This Week at 12:00 in the gym
TODAY, 3/28 – Freshmen; Tuesday, 3/29 – Sophomores; Wednesday, 3/30 – Juniors; Thursday – 3/31 – Seniors
Teachers – Please excuse students at 12:00 on their scheduled day to report to the GYM.