FHS Bulletin - Friday, November 14, 2008

59 Friday, November 14, 2008

PATRIOTIC OBSERVANCE: November 14, 1995 - The U.S. federal government began a partial shut down of government services after the U.S. Congress could not pass a budget.

LUNCH : Spaghetti w/meat sauce, garlic bread, salad.

2. WRESTLERS - Just a reminder that in addition to paying your $85.00 participation fee, each wrestler will also need to pay an additional $10.00 for your hydration test.
3. BASKETBALL PLAYERS - MANDATORY Try-Outs - ALL LEVELS - TODAY. 5PM in the Gym. Any questions, see Coach Sebek.
4. SWIM TEAM: Important meeting on Thurs., Nov. 13 (date change) in rm. 49 at lunch. ALL students interested in participating on the swim team in the NEW POOL should attend. Pass the word!

1. ART CLUB – Friday at lunch in Rm. 34.
2. Mentor Program: Officers meeting Friday at lunch Rm 10.
1. Just a reminder - the last day to order & pay for your senior t-shirt is Friday, 11/14. Money for Garden Market dinners are due Friday, Nov. 14th.
2. Grad Nite Live – pie order deadline has been extended until Monday 11/17.
3. Senior Ball photos are available for pick up at KSSP Studios on Central Avenue.
4. CLU is having their Fall Showcase on Saturday, November 15th from 8:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. For complete details, see Mrs. Larin in the College and Career Center.
o If your parents are members of the California Teachers’ Association, and you have a 3.5 GPA or better, please see Mrs. Ashim for a scholarship form. The scholarship is also on-line at www.cta.org, but your parent will need to register.

1. Saturday, Nov. 22 – Come to SERVE DAY to satisfy your Community Service hours and beautify your school! Work hours are from 9:00 am – NOON.
2. The library is now open every Wednesday morning for study hall from 7:30 - 9:00 am. Staff will be in the library to assist with homework, research, etc. Please take advantage of this opportunity.
3. Please consider the due date for Film Festival scripts. The due date is Dec. 1st. See Mr. Overton with any questions.
4. GREAT NEWS! You only have to be 16 years old to donate blood with parent permission. Sign up in the Health Office before 11/14. ASB Blood Drive is Thursday, Nov. 20th. You must check the Height & Weight chart on the permission form to donate blood. If you don’t’ fall in the OK category, you cannot donate. See Janice if you have any questions.
5. ASB currently has two open positions – Senior Class Senator & ASB Secretary. If you are interested in either position, please pick up an Intent to Run packet in the Student Store. It must be turned in at the Student Store no later than 3:15 on Wednesday 11/12.
6. A cell phone was found on the baseball field this weekend. If you lost one or know who someone who did, please contact Cynthia Padilla (524-6038) at the district office.
7. One Step Center: Free computer classes at the One Step Center located at 600 Saratoga on Tuesday and Thursdays for 4 wks. from 5-6:30 pm. You don't have to attend all classes. Stop by Rm 10 for more info.
8. Josten’s will be here at break and lunch time on TODAY to deliver class rings.
9. PICTURE DAY MAKE UPS – We had a problem with the previous photo company, and we need to retake photos for the entire school. Make up days will be Thursday & Friday, Nov. 20 & 21 in Rm. 49 during your English classes. You will receive an order form in the mail early next week, along with Mr. Wilber’s newsletter. If you purchased a photo package from the previous company and did not receive your pictures please let Barbara Lemons know ASAP.
10. Pom-poms ($2) and foam fingers ($4) are sold at the Student Store at lunch Mon – Fri. Show your Flashes spirit.

1. Just a reminder that until we receive ID Equipment Lynn is unable to make any “New ID’s or Replacement ID’s” for Students.