FHS Bulletin - Monday, August 25, 2008

9 Monday, August 25, 2008

PATRIOTIC OBSERVANCE: August 25, 1916 - The Department of the Interior created the National Park Service to manage and preserve national parks and monuments for future generations.

1. ATHLETES: Remember you are not allowed to participate in any FALL SPORT until you have been CLEARED and your TRANSPORTATION FEES have been paid.

1. NO mentor meeting today.
2. ART CLUB – the first meeting of the year is Tuesday, August 26th at lunch in Rm. 34. New members welcomed!
3. If you are on the Interact Club “Relay for Life” team there will be a mandatory meeting on Tues. 8/26 during lunch in the Health Office. We have permission slips to pass out that must be signed by your parents and other info to discuss. Bring your lunch.

1. Just a reminder that your OFF CAMPUS LUNCH PERMIT will be TAKEN AWAY if you have an AWOL and do not serve your detention!

1. Juniors & Seniors who are employed – earn 10 credits. “NO HOMEWORK”. Sign up for Diversified Occupations – Work Experience class. Attend class 1 day per week on Tuesday. You can attend the 12:30 – 3:00 class or the 3:00 – 5:30 class. See your counselor for details.
2. Still haven’t ordered your Class Ring? Jostens will be here on Wednesday, August 27th to go over information regarding upcoming orders.

1. There will be a class meeting TODAY in the Student Store to discuss prom ideas and how to qualify to be an Arch Bearer. You must show up to the meeting if you would like to participate.

1. Our ID Equipment has Arrived!!!! If you still need an I.D. card, please see Lynn in the Student Store.
2. BOOKCOVERS - Just a reminder that Book Covers are sold in the Student Store for $1.00.
3. CELDT testing will be occurring next week during 1st and 2nd period. Please report to Room 40 and do not delay!
4. Class t-shirts pre-orders will be taken in the Student Store starting Monday, Aug. 25th. All shirts will be $12.00.
5. A representative from the VC bookstore will be at FHS in room 45 to sell textbooks from 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. on Monday and Wednesday this week (August 25 and 27) Contact Charles Wilson at the bookstore 654-6400 ext. 3181 if you have questions about your textbook order. Students can pay with cash, check, money order and credit card (if they have their student ID number).
6. If you received a Ventura College book voucher last semester and purchased a text book, please turn in your books to Mrs. Palacio in room 9. There are several students needing VC textbooks. I will also take any textbook that you would like to donate for other students to use.
7. Students: Read the Fillmore High School 2008-2009 Discipline Code. Not knowing the discipline code is not an acceptable excuse. You must read and know the code. Gang Related Offenses = 1) flashing gang signs, 2) yelling gang names/slogans, 3) gang graffiti on books/notebooks or other possessions, 4) exposing gang related tattoos. First offense is a 3-day suspension & notification of parents. Second offense is a 5-day suspension & notification of proper authorities. Third offense is a 5-day suspension & notification of proper authorities and possible expulsion recommendation. Thank you. ……...John Wilber, Principal…..

1. We are working with the district to adjust the bus schedules so that students will arrive to school on time. Please be patient.
2. The library will start opening during lunchtime on Thursday, Aug 21st. Please remember students can not check out AR books though until their class has come in to take the Star Reading test. More info will follow from English teachers.

1. Jostens will be here on Wednesday, August 27th to go over information with Juniors & Seniors regarding Class Rings. They will speak to students in US History Classes, Economic Classes and US Government Classes.