FHS Bulletin - Monday, October 6, 2008

38 Monday, October 6, 2008

PATRIOTIC OBSERVANCE: October 6, 1973 - The Yom Kippur War began when Syria and Egypt attacked Israel

1. Girls Soccer – Any girl interested in playing on any level of the Girls’ soccer team must attend the MANDATORY meeting on Monday, Oct. 6th for uniform sizing. The meeting will be held at 3:30 at the JV baseball field.

1. Mentor Program: Cal Arts & Magic permission slips due by Oct. 10th. Turn in $ with permission slip Rm 10.
2. Mentor Meeting: "Bigs" Lunch meeting Rm 49. Be on time see you there.
3. ART CLUB – meeting Tuesday at lunch in Rm. 34.

1. Senior Ball tickets will be on sell this week in the Student Store during lunch. $40 a couple and $20 single. Senior Ball will be held on Oct. 25th and the theme is “All that Jazz”

1. The PSAT Tickets are now for sale in the Student Store. They cost $13.00. The test will be on Saturday, October 18th at 8:30 in Room 49.

1. ADMINISTRATIVE DETENTION – Every Tuesday & Thursday from 3:15-4:15 in Rm. 49
2. A CSUCI representative will be in the College and Career Center during lunch on Monday, October 6th to talk to all interested students.
3. Paradox Community Technologies is offering FREE Microsoft WORD training. There is only ten seats available. Hurry, they fill fast. We are at the One Step Center. Sign up in Rm. 10.
4. Are you in need of Credit Recovery? Saturday school will be available for Migrant students wishing to take a course through the PASS program to get ahead on credits; keep up with credits or recover credits. All courses are A through G approved. Classes start Saturday, Oct.11th at Fillmore Middle School Media Center (computer lab) with Mrs. Gradias from 9:00 to 12:00. You must fill out a PASS contract with Mrs. Ibarra or your counselor in the office. If you have any questions please speak to Mrs. Ibarra or you may call the Migrant Office at 524-8038.
5. Students: It is very important that you understand that you cannot have any kind of knife, a real or pretend gun, paint ball guns, or any other kind of weapon at school. You cannot make any kind of a threat to a student or staff member. You also cannot have or be under the influence of any drug or have drug paraphernalia at school. Your school and our school board have ZERO tolerance for these things. Students have been expelled for having these items at school. No excuse for not knowing that these things are not allowed at school will be accepted. Take this seriously and help keep your school safe for you and everyone. These rules apply 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including when school is not in session. Thank you. ……...John Wilber, Principal…..

1. This Wednesday, October 8th will be WALK TO WORK/SCHOOL DAY. The district is asking all staff and students that live close by to walk to work.
2. This week is QUARTER FINALS –
Tues., Oct. 7 – English & Foreign Language;
Wed., Oct. 8 – Science and Math;
(Wednesday, Oct. 8th WILL NOT be a Collaborative Day.
School starts at 7:55)
Thurs., Oct. 9th – All others.
Monday – Thursday will be REGULAR SCHEDULE
Friday, Oct. 10th will be a MINIMUM DAY (all 6 periods).