FHS Bulletin - Thursday, April 16, 2009

144 Thursday, April 16, 2009
PATRIOTIC OBSERVANCE: April 16, 1947 - Financier Bernard Baruch coined the term “cold war” in a speech in South Carolina.
LUNCH: Teriyaki chicken, white rice, salad/dressing
1. TRACK - AWAY @ Nordhoff. Meet begins at 3:00PM. Team is excused from class at 1:00PM and will depart FHS at 1:15PM.
2. BOYS GOLF - Check out some action shots at www.heatactionphotos.com
3. PATCHES - Athletes, Lynn will be placing one last “Patch Order” before school ends. The order will be sent-in on Wednesday, April 22nd. If
there is a patch that you would like to order, please see Lynn in the Student Store.
4. Football players – Come to Rm. 31 at the BEGINNING of lunch to place orders for spirit packs. Cost is $98.
5. Football practice – 7 on 7 and lineman practice Mon. 4/20 and Tues. 4/21 at 6:00 p.m. on the football field.
1. Come and make a greener tomorrow by joining the first EVER Flashes Go Green Club – the first meeting will be held Thurs., 4/16 at lunch
in Rm. 23.
2. PRAYER CLUB – meets TODAY at lunch in Rm. 2. All are welcome.
3. MECHA CLUB –Cinco de Mayo court interviews - Thursday. MECHA shirt money is due on Thursday. Students attending the Raza College
Day need to see Ms. Juarez ASAP for a permission slip. They need to be turned in by Wednesday.
4. POETRY CLUB – meeting Friday at lunch in Rm. 18. New members welcome.
5. S Club – All students – If you are attending the Human Trafficking Documentary field trip, you need to turn in your permission slip immediately
to Mrs. Herrera or Mr. Moreno. Anyone interested in going, see Mrs. Herrera or Mr. Moreno.
6. ATTENTION UC AMBASSADORS! Please turn in all fundraiser money to Ms. Moriarty by Friday 4/17! Thank you.
7. Mentor Program: Sports Mentors today -bring your lunch & B&G Club after school.
Mentor Program: Sr. interested in attending the VC Leadership conference on April 24th -please return permission slips by April 17 in Rm 17.
1. If you would like to take the Ventura College Assessments on April 29th at 7:55 a.m. and did not have a chance to sign up, please see Mrs.
Larin in the College and Career Center.
2. Giant Yard Sale – April 18 in front of the district office. For more info, contact Nora Toledo at 524-3562.
SCHOLARSHIPS: A list of ALL scholarships is available in the COLLEGE & CAREER CENTER
• The Elizabeth Hinklin Fillmore Girls Softball Scholarship is available to students who have participated in Fillmore Girls Softball and/or
Fillmore Bobby Sox Softball for at least four seasons and plan to attend a university, community college or a vocational school. Deadline is
April 20th. See Mrs. Larin for an application.
1. SAT Prep workshops begin Monday, 4/20/09 after school from 3:15 – 5 p.m. in room 49. Sign up now in the College & Career Center!
9th-11th grade students: If you signed up to take the Ventura College Assessment with Mrs. Larin, they will be administered in room # 49 at 3:07
p.m. on Friday, April 17th. If you have not signed up to take them, see Mrs. Larin as soon as possible.
1. If you turned in your permission slip to Chalk the “F”, please meet in Mr. Vincent’s room (47) at lunch on Tues., April 21st for a meeting. If you
do not attend, you will immediately be off the list.
1. Car wash by the Boys and Girls Club on Sat., April 18, 9 a.m. - 12 noon. $5.00 for cars and $7.00 for trucks and vans.
2. PASS Saturday school resumes this Saturday April 18th at the Middle School.
3. Relay for Life is coming (Sept. 26)! If you are interested in being part of the high school team, come to a meeting during lunch on Friday in
the Health Office.
4. AP TESTS – If you plan to take an AP test, don’t forget that the MONEY IS DUE BY MAY 1ST! Please don’t spring this information on your
parents the last day!!!!!
5. Thank you to all who made this years arts show a success. Thank you to the teachers and staff who were able to come to the show. To all
student artists, photographers, actors and musicians- You did an outstanding job.
STAR Test taking tips:
1. Remember that this test is IMPORTANT.
2. Get a good night’s sleep and a good breakfast before
taking the test.
3. Get to school on time.
4. Listen carefully to the instructions from the teacher,
read the directions, and read each question carefully.
5. Please attempt to answer all of the questions, and do
not leave any blanks.
6. Use your time wisely.
7. Stay focused on the test, even if other students finish