FHS Bulletin - Thursday, September 25, 2008

31 Thursday, September 25, 2008

PATRIOTIC OBSERVANCE: September 25, 1789 - The first Congress adopted 12 amendments to the Constitution and sent them to the states for ratification. The first ten became the Bill of Rights.

THANK YOU!!! This week we have had the best attendance that we have had in several years!!! Thank you so much for making education a priority!!

1. VOLLEYBALL – HOME w/Hueneme. Frosh/Soph Game begins at 4PM, JV Game begins at 5PM, and Varsity Game begins at 6PM. GO GET ‘EM FLASHES!!!
2. GIRLS GOLF - AWAY w/St. Bonaventure. Match begins at 3PM. Girls Golf Team is excused from class at 1:15PM to depart at 1:20PM.
1. Anime Club – Have nothing to do every Thursday at lunch? Head over to the Art Room (#34) and join Anime Club!
2. Mentors: Griffith Observatory this Saturday. Bus leaves at 8:15am. You must have turned in your permission slip by now. We will be returning by 3:30pm.
3. Mentor Program: Sports Mentoring today at Lunch. Pick up your lunch and meet at the gate between the gym and the new buildings. After school mentoring meet at room 10.
4. ATTENTION SOPHOMORES, JUNIORS, and SENIORS who are interested in attending a four year college after graduation. Please come to the first full meeting of the UC Ambassador Club on Tuesday, September 30th at 12:30pm in room 61. We will be discussing important tips for college preparation, planning our yearly fundraisers, and looking at possible field trip locations. New members are always welcome!! See you Tuesday, Mrs. Palacio and Ms. Moriarty.
5. FASHION CLUB – meets Wednesdays & Fridays at lunch in the Art room! Everyone is welcome/
1. If you are interested in attending a Christian University go to www.christianconnector.com for more scholarship opportunities or see Mrs. Larin in the College and Career Center during break or lunch.
2. Need more help with SAT prep? SAT Workshops Dates: Workshop #3 (Writing) Date: 9/25/08 Time: 3:15 – 5:30pm. Room #61. Sponsored by Early Academic Outreach Program, University of California, Santa Barbara
1. The PSAT Tickets are now for sale in the Student Store. They cost $13.00. The test will be on Saturday, October 18th at 8:30 in Room 49.
1. September 26th is the registration deadline for the November 1st SAT reasoning and subject tests. You can register on-line at www.collegeboard.com. See your counselor for more information.
2. Representatives from Magic Mountain will be in the quad on Monday, September 29th during lunch to recruit students for employment.
3. Class t-shirts are on sale in the Student Store. The shirt designs are in there if you would like to see them. All shirts are $12.
4. College is possible!! The largest national organization supporting Hispanic higher education is coming to Santa Paula High School. Hispanic Scholarship Fund invites you to attend its 1st college conference in the county. Presentation will be given in Spanish and English on: College Admissions, Financial Aid, and Scholarship Opportunities. Light Dinner will be served for families that pre-register, Raffle, and College Fair Please RSVP in room 10.
Homecoming Info:
Friday, September 26th
Length Start End
1st 0:50 7:55 AM 8:45 AM
Pass 0:05 8:45 AM 8:50 AM
Period 2 0:46 8:50 AM 9:36 AM
Pass 0:05 9:36 AM 9:41 AM
Period 3 0:46 9:41 AM 10:27 AM
Break 0:10 10:27 AM 10:37 AM
Pass 0:05 10:37 AM 10:42 AM
Period 4 0:46 10:42 AM 11:28 AM
Pass 0:05 11:28 AM 11:33 AM
Period 5 0:46 11:33 AM 12:19 PM
LUNCH 0:40 12:19 PM 12:59 PM
Pass 0:05 12:59 PM 1:04 PM
6th 0:45 1:04 PM 1:49 PM
Rally 0:55 1:49 PM 2:44 PM
o Congratulations to the homecoming court: 9th – Robert Bonilla & Anissa Magdaleno; 10th – Angel Barajas & Angelica Gonzalez; 11th – Anthony Chavez & Victoria Ayala; 12th – Rebeca Herrera, Brina Suttle, Jill Wilber, Colin Cone, Nathan Ibarra & Ralph Sandoval.
o Homecoming Dress Up Days: Thursday – “Scrabble” Day (wear shirts with “appropriate” words). Friday – “Flashes Pride” (wear blue and white).
o Food Day at lunch on Friday, Sept. 26th. The following food/drinks are being sold: Juniors – burritos; Yearbook – Jamba Juice; Fashion Club – Ice cream sundaes; Anime Club – Arroz con leche; Art Club – Horchata & Jamaica; Sophomores – Pizza; Pep Squad – Liquid Rush; Mecha Club - Lemonade
o BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW or the Homecoming Dance will be cancelled. Tickets will be sold at lunch today at at floatbuilding tonight. Homecoming Dance - Saturday, Sept. 27th from 7 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. This year it will be semi-formal, so get dress up! Tickets will be $3.00 with an ASB sticker or $5.00 without. Tickets on sale at lunch.
o Please be respectful at floatbuilding tonight, so that everyone can enjoy the evening! Thank you for your cooperation.