FHS Bulletin - Tuesday, November 18, 2008

61 Tuesday, November 18, 2008

PATRIOTIC OBSERVANCE: November 18, 1820 - Captain Nathaniel Palmer discovered Antarctica.
LUNCH : Chili beans, cornbread muffin & coleslaw.
1. WRESTLERS - Just a reminder that in addition to paying your $85.00 participation fee, each wrestler will also need to pay an additional $10.00 for your hydration test.
Athletics – Students
1. Our first Football CIF game will be FRIDAY. Pre-Sale Tickets can be purchased at the Student Store. Ticket prices are $8.00 for Adults and Seniors, $5.00 for Students and Children. Students with ASB Stickers ARE NOT allowed in FREE, all students need to purchase a ticket.
2. It is important that you know that NO mechanical noisemakers (horns, bells, victory bells, sirens, fireworks, chimes, musical instruments other than those in the band, etc.) will be permitted inside the stadium. Cheering devices such as wooden blocks, or other similar objects are prohibited; THIS ALSO INCLUDES CHEER AND/OR THUNDERSTICKS. Only uniformed cheerleaders, for the purpose of directing and controlling rooting sections, shall use megaphones. THE IMPROPER USE OF ANY OF THE ABOVE-LISTED DEVICES BY SUPPORTERS COULD MAKE OUR TEAM HAVE TO FORFEIT THE GAME!!!
1. Mentor Program: No lunch meetings this week because of the WASC meetings.
2. ART CLUB – meeting Tuesday at lunch in Rm. 34.
3. AVID Club: Meeting on Tues. in Rm. 59 at lunch.
4. UC Ambassadors – Meeting at 12:30 TODAY in Rm. 9 to discuss fundraising ideas and goals. New members welcome!
5. PRAYER CLUB meets Wednesday at lunch in Rm. 2. All are welcome.
6. Hiking Club: Meeting on Thurs. in Rm. 59. Our next hike is planned for Sat. Dec. 6th.
7. ANIME CLUB – meeting on Thursday at lunch in Rm. 34.
1. Senior Ball photos are available for pick up at KSSP Studios on Central Avenue.
o Soroptimist International of the Americas is offering the “Violet Richardson Award” to young ladies who are caring, compassionate, creative, and committed to making the world a better place. Young ladies must also demonstrate initiative in problem solving and significant accomplishments as a volunteer. For complete details or an application, see Mrs. Larin in the College and Career Center. Deadline is December 1st.
o SAE Engineering is offering a scholarship to students who intend to enroll in an engineering program accredited by ABET. Students must also be citizens of the United States and meet minimum requirements with regard to SAT’s and/or ACT scores as outlined in the scholarship. For complete details, see Mrs. Larin in the College and Career Center or go to www.sae.org/students/unscholr.htm. Deadline is December 1st.
1. Please give a warm welcome to the WASC team. They are here this week to meet with staff and students and to observe in classes. They will be on campus Monday – Wednesday. Let’s make them feel at home.
2. Saturday, Nov. 22 – Come to SERVE DAY to satisfy your Community Service hours and beautify your school! Work hours are from 9:00 am – NOON.
3. The library is now open every Wednesday morning for study hall from 7:30 - 9:00 am. Staff will be in the library to assist with homework, research, etc. Please take advantage of this opportunity.
4. Please consider the due date for Film Festival scripts. The due date is Dec. 1st. See Mr. Overton with any questions.
5. PICTURE DAY MAKE UPS – We had a problem with the previous photo company, and we need to retake photos for the entire school. Make up days will be Thursday & Friday for ALL FRESHMEN - JUNIORS, Nov. 20 & 21 in Rm. 49 during your English classes. You will receive an order form in the mail early next week, along with Mr. Wilber’s newsletter. If you purchased a photo package from the previous company and did not receive your pictures please let Barbara Lemons know ASAP.
6. Pom-poms ($2) and foam fingers ($4) are sold at the Student Store at lunch Mon – Fri. Show your Flashes spirit.
7. The Grizzly Youth Academy, FREE to male and female students, ages 16 through 18 ½, is NOW accepting student applications for the Spring Semester. The program is for students who are behind in credits, have a low G.P.A or want to get away from negative influences. Students must turn in a completed STUDENT APPLICATION and MENTOR APPLICATION to Ms. Norma in the Attendance Office no later than November 30th to make sure you get a spot. Anyone interested in making a positive change in their lives can come by before school, at lunch time or after school to get help with their application.
8. Ventura College will be in the College and Career Center on December 4th and December 11th during lunch to sign up students who are interested in taking college classes in the spring.
9. Congratulations! So far 60 students have signed up to give blood on Thursday. This is fantastic! Don’t forget to: 1) Eat breakfast. 2) Drink plenty water. 3) Bring your picture ID. 4) Know your SSN#.
1. The district office has asked us to remind you that we only have a 2 week break during the Winter Holiday. Please remind your parents that we expect you all to stay in school until the final day – December 19th. We will continue to remind you at times during the rest of the year. This generally is a time when we have a high absence rate, and we are hoping that by reminding your families early, they will plan to postpone any holiday travel until after December 19th. Thank you.
1. Staff pictures – Make-up pictures will be taken on Tuesday, November 25th from 7:30 am – 1:00 p.m. in Rm. 49 You can either come in before school, during your prep or at lunch to have your picture taken.