FHS Bulletin - Tuesday, October 21, 2008

43 Tuesday, October 21, 2008

PATRIOTIC OBSERVANCE: October 21, 1879 - Thomas Edison invented a workable incandescent electric lamp.

LUNCH – Macaroni & Cheese, broccoli & garlic bread.


1. ART CLUB – meeting Tuesday at lunch in Rm. 34.
2. FASHION CLUB – meets every Wednesday & Friday at lunch in Rm. 34.
3. Anime Club meeting Thursday at lunch in Room 34.
4. PRAYER CLUB meets Wednesdays at lunch in Rm. 2. All are welcome.

1. Senior Ball tickets will be on sell this week in the Student Store during lunch. $40 a couple and $20 single. Senior Ball will be held on Oct. 25th and the theme is “All that Jazz”
2. UC on track students – you are invited to attend the UCSB matriculation visit October 22nd. See Mrs. Palacio for Trip Slips.

1. ADMINISTRATIVE DETENTION – Every Tuesday & Thursday from 3:15-4:15 in Rm. 49
2. Fillmore Art Chalk Festival needs YOU. Have fun and earn community hours, too. The Art Harvest Sidewalk chalk art event is on Saturday Oct. 25th - in front of City Hall. Event starts at 9:45am and runs until dusk. Volunteer as many hours as you can. For more information or to sign up come to Room 34.
3. If you are interested in being a referee for Youth Basketball sign-up at City Hall, Monday – Friday, 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. For additional information call 524-1500 X216. Season starts December 6, 2008 – February 28, 2009. Saturdays only, at the Fillmore Middle School (8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.) or the Boys and Girls (8:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M.)
4. Mark your agendas! Career day will be held on Friday, November 7th. We will be having a wide variety of career options, so get those questions ready.
5. It’s that time of the year again!! San Cayetano School is looking for High School student Volunteers for their Fall Carnival. Last year they had a great group of volunteers, over 37 students. Because of them, their Fall Carnival was a HUGE success!! This year the Carnival is Thursday October 30th from 3:00 (set up) to 8:00. If any student would like to volunteer their time, call Martha Hope at 524-8142 during school hours.
6. Students: Read the Fillmore High School 2008-2009 Discipline Code. Not knowing the discipline code is not an acceptable excuse. You must read and know the code. Gang Related Offenses = 1) flashing gang signs, 2) yelling gang names/slogans, 3) gang graffiti on books/notebooks or other possessions, 4) exposing gang related tattoos. First offense is a 3-day suspension & notification of parents. Second offense is a 5-day suspension & notification of proper authorities. Third offense is a 5-day suspension & notification of proper authorities and possible expulsion recommendation. Thank you. ……...John Wilber, Principal…..

1. The district office has asked us to remind you that we only have a 2 week break during the Winter Holiday. Please remind your parents that we expect you all to stay in school until the final day – December 19th. We will continue to remind you at times during the rest of the year. This generally is a time when we have a high absence rate, and we are hoping that by reminding your families early, they will plan to postpone any holiday travel until after December 19th. Thank you.