95 Wednesday, January 28, 2009
PATRIOTIC OBSERVANCE: January 28, 1986 - U.S. shuttle Challenger exploded 72 seconds after lift off, killing all seven crew members aboard, including school teacher Christa McAuliffe.
Congratulations to the following 9th graders that earned “honorary” membership for CSF based on their first semester grades.

Rachel Adams
Brianna Aguilar
Oscar Alferez
Brooke Alvary
Blanca Ayala
Sierra Blankenship
Jenny Bonilla
Taylor Burhoe
Kendal Davis
Taylor DeZavala
Tania Domínguez
Westley Fairall
Christina Gutierrez
Neira Hernandez
Nenetzin Herrera
Itzelle Iñiguez
Rogelio Lemus
Jaynessa Lopez
Vanessa Lopez
Viviana Magana
Anissa Magdaleno
Jasmine Medina
Gabriela Melendez
Anthony Mendez
Jordon Mendoza
Luis Montejano
Ana-Christina Morino
Ashley Morino
Roberto Munoz
Andrea Ocegueda
Samuel Orozco
Nicole Rodríguez
James Smallwood
Theresa Soltero
Maria Suarez
Aunee Tarango
Juan Valdovinos
Vanesa Villa
Larissa Villanueva
Jenna Wilber
John Wilber

LU NCH: Baked chicken, mashed potatoes, corn.
Collaborative Day Bell Schedule
Length Start End
1st 0:52 8:55 AM 9:47 AM
Pass 0:05 9:47 AM 9:52 AM
2nd 0:49 9:52 AM 10:41 AM
Break 0:10 10:41 AM 10:51 AM
Pass 0:05 10:51 AM 10:56 AM
3rd 0:49 10:56 AM 11:45 AM
Pass 0:05 11:45 AM 11:50 AM
4th 0:49 11:50 AM 12:39 PM
Lunch 0:40 12:39 PM 1:19 PM
Pass 0:05 1:19 PM 1:24 PM
5th 0:49 1:24 PM 2:13 PM
Pass 0:05 2:13 PM 2:18 PM
6th 0:49 2:18 PM 3:07 PM
1. BOYS BASKETBALL - HOME w/VILLANOVA. Frosh/Soph game begins at 4PM, JV at 5:30PM and Varsity at 7PM. FROSH/SOPH BOYS ONLY are excused from class at 2:50PM.
2. GIRLS SOCCER - HOME w/ LA REINA. JV game begins at 4:30PM, Varsity at 6PM.
3. BOYS SOCCER - AWAY @ BISHOP DIEGO. Varsity begins at 2:30PM, JV follows. Soccer is excused from class at 12PM to get their lunch and depart at 12:30PM.
4. WRESTLING - AWAY @ SANTA PAULA. Weigh-Ins begins at 4PM, Wrestling starts at 5PM. Bus will depart FHS at 3:30PM.
5. PATCH ORDER - Athletes, if you would like to order any patches, please see Lynn in the Student Store.
6. Boys Golf - mandatory meeting at the start of lunch in room 31 on Tuesday 2/3.
1. Hiking Club: Meeting on Thurs. at lunch in Rm. 59 to discuss future hikes.
2. ART CLUB – We will be meeting on Friday this week. Bring your lunch & please be on time.
3. Prayer Club is now meeting on Thursdays at lunch.
4. Band meeting at lunch on Friday in room 19.
1. Seniors, the Wall of College Acceptances is up and waiting for your information. Please let Mrs. Ashim know when you have been accepted to college, and your name will be placed on the wall.
2. Financial Aid workshop for you and your parents on Thursday, January 29th at 6:45 p.m. in the library.
3. Sweatshirts deadline will be extended until Friday after lunch. Order now in the student store.
Scholarships: See Mrs. Larin in the College & Career Center for details.
• The Fillmore Alumni Scholarship - applications must be returned to the alumni office, 549 Sespe Ave., Suite #6 no later than 3:30 p.m., Fri., Feb. 27th.
• If your parents, grandparents, or legal guardians work for or own a restaurant, hotel, retail, or grocery establishment, see Mrs. Larin in the College and Career Center. There is a scholarship just for you! Deadline is Feb 1st.
• Frank Kazmierczak Memorial Migrant Scholarship is available to migrant students who wish to pursue a career in teaching. Students must also demonstrate financial need, scholastic achievement, and parents must be migrant workers. For complete details, go to r. Deadline is Feb 1st.
• CSUN - “Honors at Entrance Scholarship” Deadline is Jan 30th.
• Walmart is offering the “Sam Walton Community Scholarship” You must apply online at Deadline is January 31st.
• California Association of Collectors -Go to Deadline is Feb 2nd.
• Burger King Scholarship - You must apply online at Deadline is Feb 2nd.
• Southern California Mothers of Twins Club is offering a scholarship to students who are twins, triplets, or higher. Deadline is Feb 2nd.
1. February 10th is the registration deadline for the March 14th SAT reasoning test (the subject tests will NOT be administered on this date). You can register on-line at See your counselor for more information.
2. Night School is held on Tuesday and Thursday from 3:15 – 5:30 in Room 54. If you need to make up credits, please see your counselor.
3. Mr. Bedau's Night School begins today (1/28) at 3:15 pm in Room 39. We meet Monday's and Wednesday's. See you there.
4. Lions Club Speech contest – February 2nd. Win $50 and a chance at over $21,000. MANDATORY meeting Wed., Jan. 28th at 3:15 in Rm. 18 (Overton). Chance to have questions answered. If you cannot attend, call Bill Edmonds at 524-4839.
5. Want to watch Fillmore High School Pep Squad perform but can’t travel to competitions, well now you can. The FHS Pep Squad is hosting their second annual cheer showcase on Thursday February 5th at 7:30. Tickets are on sale now for $3.00 and $5.00 at the door. Please find a cheerleader to purchase one…come and support the girls.
6. Join us at lunch on Friday 1/30 in the quad for a chance to take sweet revenge on your teachers in the first AVID Pie Throwing Competition. So far Mr. Wilber, Ms. Casanave, Ms. Wortham, Mr. Overton, Mr. Moreno, Ms. Byrne, Mr. Vincent and Mr. FitzGerald have volunteered. The cost is $2 to throw a pie in the face of one teacher/student.
7. One Step - This Saturday there will be a public meeting and strategizing session to improve public transportation. One Step students and anyone interested in making a difference in the local public transportation are invited to meet after school on Wed for a planning session to come up with some talking points for Saturday. Wed at 3:30 at the One Step Center, and Sat the 31st from 8:30-12pm at Ventura College
8. LOCKERS - If you have been or are currently sharing a locker with a student that has “checked-out” and no longer attends FHS, please remove your belongings from their locker. You are only supposed to use the locker that is assigned to you. We have NEW STUDENTS are in need of lockers.



94 Tuesday, January 27, 2009
PATRIOTIC OBSERVANCE: January 27, 1945 - The Russians liberated Auschwitz concentration camp, where the Nazis had killed over 1.5 million people, including over 1 million Jews.

In addition to yesterday’s names of SENIORS that will receive lifetime CSF honor; congratulations to the following seniors who earned CSF Honors this semester:

Shervina Annie
Jessica Avila
Patricia Cisneros
Meghan Cobos
Gabriela Cortes
Yessica Flores
Danielle Gangl
Yanette Garibay
Rachel Ann Kamradt
Jessica Leon
Nathan Liu
Mario Lopez
Maricarmen Magana
Gabriel Manzano
Andreina Montelongo
Bailey Pina
Liliana Reyes
Andy Reynaga
Franziska Scheifler
Jose Sillas
Carlos Tarango
Sunanda Thiyagarajah
Samone Vega
Vanessa Ventura
Samantha Wu

LU NCH: Soft beef taco, lettuce/tomato/cheese, Spanish rice.

1. Girls BBB @ St. Bonny. JV at 5:30, Varsity at 7:00. Bus leaves at 3:30.
2. Patch order – If you would like to order patches, please see Lynn in the Student Store ASAP.

1. AVID CLUB: Meeting on Tuesday at lunch in Rm. 59 to plan more fundraisers for the Junior class trip.
2. Mentor Program: Mnt. Vista mentoring after school. See you there!
3. Hiking Club: Meeting on Thurs. at lunch in Rm. 59 to discuss future hikes.
4. ART CLUB – We will be meeting on Friday this week. Bring your lunch & please be on time.

1. Financial Aid workshop for you and your parents on Thursday, January 29th at 6:45 p.m. in the library.
2. Senior Sweatshirt by Wed. 3 pm. in the Student Store. Pick up order forms in the Student Store, Rm. #65 or the Health Office.
Scholarships: See Mrs. Larin in the College & Career Center for details.
• The Fillmore Alumni Scholarship - These applications must be returned to the alumni office, 549 Sespe Ave., Suite #6 no later than 3:30 p.m., Friday, Feb. 27th.
• If your parents, grandparents, or legal guardians work for or own a restaurant, hotel, retail, or grocery establishment, see Mrs. Larin in the College and Career Center. There is a scholarship just for you! Deadline is Feb 1st.
• Frank Kazmierczak Memorial Migrant Scholarship is available to migrant students who wish to pursue a career in teaching. Students must also demonstrate financial need, scholastic achievement, and parents must be migrant workers. For complete details, go to r. Deadline is Feb 1st.
• CSUN - “Honors at Entrance Scholarship” Deadline is Jan 30th.
• Walmart is offering the “Sam Walton Community Scholarship” You must apply online at Deadline is January 31st.
• California Association of Collectors -Go to Deadline is Feb 2nd.
• Burger King Scholarship - You must apply online at Deadline is Feb 2nd.
• Southern California Mothers of Twins Club is offering a scholarship to students who are twins, triplets, or higher. Deadline is Feb 2nd.

1. Night School will be starting on Tuesday, January 27th. If you are behind in credits, please see your counselor to sign up to enroll in Night School. It will be held in Room 54 (old Nova Net room) on Tuesday and Thursday after school.
2. Lions Club Speech contest – February 2nd. Win $50 and a chance at over $21,000. MANDATORY meeting Wed., Jan. 28th at 3:15 in Rm. 18 (Overton). Chance to have questions answered. If you cannot attend, call Bill Edmonds at 524-4839.
3. AR Book recommendations! Check them out: Atonement (movie based on the book). For fans of the Twilight series, check out Interview With A Vampire. More copies of White Oleander are now in. The third in the Eragon series, Brisingr, is now in. For the guys: Lots of sports fiction by authors Deuker, Crutcher and de la Peña. Parrot In The Oven and Slam are other guy favorites . New non-fiction titles include The Autobiography of Malcom X, Dreams From My Father and The Audacity of Hope –the last two both written by President Obama. Can’t find a book you like? Ask Ms Hoffman to make some recommendations.
4. ADMINISTRATIVE DETENTION – Every Tuesday & Thursday from 3:15-4:15.
5. Want to watch Fillmore High School Pep Squad perform but can’t travel to competitions, well now you can. The FHS Pep Squad is hosting their second annual cheer showcase on Thursday February 5th at 7:30. Tickets are on sale now for $3.00 and $5.00 at the door. Please find a cheerleader to purchase one…come and support the girls.
6. Join us at lunch on Friday 1/30 in the quad for a chance to take sweet revenge on your teachers in the first AVID Pie Throwing Competition. So far Ms. Casanave, Ms. Wortham, Mr. Overton, Mr. Moreno, Ms. Byrne, Mr. Vincent and Mr. FitzGerald have volunteered. The cost is $2 to throw a pie in the face of one teacher/student.
7. One Step - This Saturday there will be a public meeting and strategizing session to improve public transportation. There will be speakers and workshops. One Step students and anyone interested in making a difference in the local public transportation are invited to meet after school on Wed for a planning session to come up with some talking points for Saturday. Please come and help us make change! Wed at 3:30 at the One Step Center, and Sat the 31st from 8:30-12pm at Ventura College
8. Ballet Folklorico practice – TODAY after school. Meet in Ms. Juarez’s room.



93 Monday, January 26, 2009

PATRIOTIC OBSERVANCE: January 26, 1802 - Congress passed an act calling for establishment of a library within the US Capitol.

Congratulations to the following seniors who will wear the gold CSF Honor Stole at graduation. They have earned CSF Honors this past semester and at least 3 other semesters.
Jazmyne Alvary
Elizabeth Amezcua
Maria Arreola
Taylor Atkins
Christina Bahena
Alani Barajas
Karli Chessani
Vincent Ferguson
Taylor Gaitan
Alexandra Garcia
Natalie Garnica
Jaymee Harter
Kayla Hernandez
Brandon Hunt
Antonio Magana
Jonathan Monore
Miguel Ochoa
Aimee Orozco
Mayra Regalado
Ryan Rivera
Erica Rodriguez
Vanessa Rodriguez
Nicole Sanchez
Julianne Sandoval
Erik Storey
Brina Suttle
Juan Carlos Toledo
David Watson
Michael Watson
Jillian Wilber

LU NCH: Macaroni & cheese, broccoli, garlic bread
1. BOYS BASKETBALL - HOME w/ Buena. Frosh/Soph Game begins at 4PM, JV at 5:30PM and Varsity at 7PM.
2. GIRLS SOCCER - HOME w/ Oak Park. JV Game begins at 4:30PM, Varsity at 6PM.
3. BOYS SOCCER - AWAY @ Oak Park. JV Game begins at 4:30PM, Varsity at 6PM. Boys are excused from class at 2PM and will depart FHS at 2:15PM.
4. PATCH ORDER - Athletes, if you would like to order any patches, please see Lynn in the Student Store.
1. Mentor Program: Mentor meeting today at lunch Rm. 49 -please be on time.
2. Mentor Program: Sespe mentoring today after school meet in Rm. 10.
3. AVID CLUB: Meeting on Tuesday at lunch in Rm. 59 to plan more fundraisers for the Junior class trip.
4. Hiking Club: Meeting on Thurs. at lunch in Rm. 59 to discuss future hikes.
1. Financial Aid workshop for you and your parents on Thursday, January 29th at 6:45 p.m. in the library.
2. Senior Sweatshirt by Wed. 3 pm. in the Student Store. Pick up order forms in the Student Store, Rm. #65 or the Health Office.
Scholarships: See Mrs. Larin in the College & Career Center for details.
• The Fillmore Alumni Scholarship - These applications must be returned to the alumni office, 549 Sespe Ave., Suite #6 no later than 3:30 p.m., Friday, Feb. 27th.
• If your parents, grandparents, or legal guardians work for or own a restaurant, hotel, retail, or grocery establishment, see Mrs. Larin in the College and Career Center. There is a scholarship just for you! Deadline is Feb 1st.
• Frank Kazmierczak Memorial Migrant Scholarship is available to migrant students who wish to pursue a career in teaching. Students must also demonstrate financial need, scholastic achievement, and parents must be migrant workers. For complete details, go to r. Deadline is Feb 1st.
• CSUN - “Honors at Entrance Scholarship” Deadline is Jan 30th.
• Walmart is offering the “Sam Walton Community Scholarship” You must apply online at Deadline is January 31st.
• California Association of Collectors -Go to Deadline is Feb 2nd.
• Burger King Scholarship - You must apply online at Deadline is Feb 2nd.
• Southern California Mothers of Twins Club is offering a scholarship to students who are twins, triplets, or higher. Deadline is Feb 2nd.
1. Night School will be starting on Tuesday, January 27th. If you are behind in credits, please see your counselor to sign up to enroll in Night School. It will be held in Room 54 (old Nova Net room) on Tuesday and Thursday after school.
2. Mr. Brian Ricards students need to report to Rm. 49 on MONDAY.
3. Lions Club Speech contest – February 2nd. Win $50 and a chance at over $21,000. MANDATORY meeting Wed., Jan. 28th at 3:15 in Rm. 18 (Overton). Chance to have questions answered. If you cannot attend, call Bill Edmonds at 524-4839.
4. AR Book recommendations! Check them out: Atonement (movie based on the book). For fans of the Twilight series, check out Interview With A Vampire. More copies of White Oleander are now in. The third in the Eragon series, Brisingr, is now in. For the guys: Lots of sports fiction by authors Deuker, Crutcher and de la Peña. Parrot In The Oven and Slam are other guy favorites . New non-fiction titles include The Autobiography of Malcom X, Dreams From My Father and The Audacity of Hope –the last two both written by President Obama. Can’t find a book you like? Ask Ms Hoffman to make some recommendations.
5. ADMINISTRATIVE DETENTION – Every Tuesday & Thursday from 3:15-4:15.
6. Want to watch Fillmore High School Pep Squad perform but can’t travel to competitions, well now you can. The FHS Pep Squad is hosting their second annual cheer showcase on Thursday February 5th at 7:30. Tickets are on sale now for $3.00 and $5.00 at the door. Please find a cheerleader to purchase one…come and support the girls.
7. Join us at lunch on Friday 1/30 in the quad for a chance to take sweet revenge on your teachers in the first AVID Pie Throwing Competition. So far Ms. Casanave, Ms. Wortham, Mr. Overton, Mr. Moreno, Ms. Byrne, Mr. Vincent and Mr. FitzGerald have volunteered. The cost is $2 to throw a pie in the face of one teacher/student.
8. Students: It is very important that you understand that you cannot have any kind of knife, a real or pretend gun, paint ball guns, or any other kind of weapon at school. You cannot make any kind of a threat to a student or staff member. You also cannot have or be under the influence of any drug or have drug paraphernalia at school. Your school and our school board have ZERO tolerance for these things. Students have been expelled for having these items at school. No excuse for not knowing that these things are not allowed at school will be accepted. Take this seriously and help keep your school safe for you and everyone. These rules apply 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including when school is not in session. Thank you. ……...John Wilber, Principal…..


92 Friday, January 23, 2009

PATRIOTIC OBSERVANCE: January 23, 1973 - President Nixon announced that an accord had been reached to end the Vietnam War.

LU NCH: Chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes, corn/biscuit
1. BOYS SOCCER - HOME w/ Malibu. JV Game begins at 4:30PM, Varsity at 6PM.
2. BOYS BASKETBALL - AWAY @ Nordhoff. Frosh/Soph Game begins at 4PM, JV at 5:30PM and Varsity at 7PM. FROSH/SOPH BOYS ONLY are excused from class at 2PM to depart at 2:15PM. JV and Varsity Teams see Coach Blankenship and Coach Sebek for departure times.
3. FRESHMAN GIRLS SOCCER - AWAY @ Alameny. Game begins at 5PM. FROSH. GIRLS ONLY are excused from class at 2:45PM. Bus will depart at 3:07PM.
4. JV & VARSITY GIRLS SOCCER - AWAY @ Nordhoff. Both games begin at 3PM. JV & Varsity Girls are excused from class at 12:45PM, bus will depart FHS at 1PM.
5. VARSITY / JV FOOTBALL / CROSS COUNTY / PEP SQUAD - Your Individual and Team Photos are ready for distribution at KSSP Photography. Please personally pick them up at their studio.
6. JV & VARSITY FOOTBALL PLAYERS that did not attend the Banquet……Please pick-up your awards from Lynn in the Student Store.
7. PATCH ORDER - Athletes, if you would like to order any patches, please see Lynn in the Student Store.
8. SOFTBALL - All high school girls who want to play rec softball here in Fillmore can register this Saturday at FMS from 9am to 12pm . The fee can be paid later and financial assistance is available if you qualify. For more info or questions contact Suzi Ortiz FGS/Public Relations 524-0537
1. Mentor Program: Officers Meeting today at lunch Rm. 10 -please be on time.
1. Are you interested in becoming a model, actor, or singer? A representative from John Robert Powers Entertainment will be here on Friday, January 23rd during lunch to talk to interested students.
2. There will be a Financial Aid workshop for you and your parents on Thursday, January 29th at 6:45 p.m. in the library. Financial Aid workshop will be conducted both in English and Spanish.
3. Don’t forget to buy your Senior Sweatshirt by Wed. 3 pm. in the Student Store. If you need the order forms you may pick them up in the Student Store, Rm. #65 or the Health Office.
Scholarships: See Mrs. Larin in the College & Career Center for details.
• The Fillmore Alumni Scholarship - These applications must be returned to the alumni office, 549 Sespe Ave., Suite #6 no later than 3:30 p.m., Friday, Feb. 27th.
• If your parents, grandparents, or legal guardians work for or own a restaurant, hotel, retail, or grocery establishment, see Mrs. Larin in the College and Career Center. There is a scholarship just for you! Deadline is Feb 1st.
• Frank Kazmierczak Memorial Migrant Scholarship is available to migrant students who wish to pursue a career in teaching. Students must also demonstrate financial need, scholastic achievement, and parents must be migrant workers. For complete details, go to r. Deadline is Feb 1st.
• CSUN is offering the “Honors at Entrance Scholarship” to students who planning to attend CSUN, have a minimum GPA of 3.75, score of 1200 on SAT or 27 on ACT, complete the FAFSA, and are U.S. citizens or legal residents. Deadline is Jan 30th.
• Walmart is offering the “Sam Walton Community Scholarship” to students who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents, have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better, demonstrate financial need, and have taken either the ACT or SAT tets. You must apply online at Deadline is January 31st.
• California Association of Collectors is offering a scholarship to students who plan to attend any accredited public, private college, university or trade school. Students must write a three to four page essay on “Importance of Establishing and Maintaining Good Credit during Your College Years”. Go to Deadline is Feb 2nd.
• Burger King Scholarship is available to students who have a 2.5 GPA or higher, work part-time an average of 15 hours per week (40 weeks per year), demonstrate participation in community service and/or co-curricular activities, demonstrate financial need, and plan to enroll in an accredited two-or four year college, university, or vocational/technical school. You must apply online at Deadline is Feb 2nd.
• Southern California Mothers of Twins Club is offering a scholarship to students who are twins, triplets, or higher. Students must be planning to attend college, university, or vocational school. Deadline is Feb 2nd.
1. STUDENT HARD DRIVE - The student hard drive is still low on space and the district will be deleting all music and video files from the student drive beginning this Friday 1/23/2009.
2. Lions Club Speech contest – February 2nd. Win $50 and a chance at over $21,000. MANDATORY meeting Wed., Jan. 28th at 3:15 in Rm. 18 (Overton). Chance to have questions answered. If you cannot attend, call Bill Edmonds at 524-4839.
3. AR Book recommendations! Check them out: Atonement (movie based on the book). For fans of the Twilight series, check out Interview With A Vampire. More copies of White Oleander are now in. The third in the Eragon series, Brisingr, is now in. For the guys: Lots of sports fiction by authors Deuker, Crutcher and de la Peña. Parrot In The Oven and Slam are other guy favorites . New non-fiction titles include The Autobiography of Malcom X, Dreams From My Father and The Audacity of Hope – both written by President Obama. Can’t find a book you like? Ask Ms Hoffman to make some recommendations.
4. Library will be open at lunch and after school. Mrs. Ramirez is out today, so it will be closed in the morning and at break.


91 Thursday, January 22, 2009

PATRIOTIC OBSERVANCE: January 22, 1997 - The U.S. Senate confirmed Madeleine Albright as the first female secretary of state.

LU NCH: Diced turkey & gravy, mashed potatoes, corn/roll.

1. JV GIRLS BASKETBALL - HOME vs. Alumni. Game begins at 5:30PM.
2. GIRLS BASKETBALL - HOME w/OAKS CHRISTIAN. Varsity Game begins at 7PM.
3. LETTERMAN JACKETS - Dagen Sales will be here on TODAY at lunch for students interested in ordering a Letterman’s Jackets. A $50 deposit is due at the time of the order.
4. VARSITY / JV FOOTBALL / CROSS COUNTY / PEP SQUAD - Your Individual and Team Photos are ready for distribution at KSSP Photography. Please personally pick them up at their studio.
5. JV & VARSITY FOOTBALL PLAYERS that did not attend the Banquet……Please pick-up your awards from Lynn in the Student Store.

1. Anime Club meeting on Thursday in Room 34. New members welcome
2. All entries in the Soroptomist "Live Your Dream " contest need to be turned in to Ms. M by 10:45 TODAY!
3. Prayer Club: Meets Thursday in room 2. Bring your lunch for social time before prayer time. Prayer Club is open to all students.

1. Are you interested in becoming a model, actor, or singer? A representative from John Robert Powers Entertainment will be here on Friday, January 23rd during lunch to talk to interested students.
Scholarships: See Mrs. Larin in the College & Career Center for details.
• Hot off the press! The Fillmore Alumni Scholarship will be available on Thursday, January 22nd. Please see Mrs. Larin in the College and Career Center during break or lunch. These applications must be returned to the alumni office, 549 Sespe Ave., Suite #6 no later than 3:30 p.m., Friday, Feb. 27th.
• If your parents, grandparents, or legal guardians work for or own a restaurant, hotel, retail, or grocery establishment, see Mrs. Larin in the College and Career Center. There is a scholarship just for you! Deadline is Feb 1st.
• The Frank Kazmierczak Memorial Migrant Scholarship is available to migrant students who wish to pursue a career in teaching. Students must also demonstrate financial need, scholastic achievement, and parents must be migrant workers. For complete details, go to or see Mrs. Larin in the College and Career Center. Deadline is Feb 1st.
• CSUN is offering the “Honors at Entrance Scholarship” to students who planning to attend CSUN, have a minimum GPA of 3.75, score of 1200 on SAT or 27 on ACT, complete the FAFSA, and are U.S. citizens or legal residents. For complete details, see Mrs. Larin in the College and Career Center. Deadline is Jan 30th.
• Walmart is offering the “Sam Walton Community Scholarship” to students who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents, have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better, demonstrate financial need, and have taken either the ACT or SAT tets. You must apply online at Deadline is January 31st.

1. Students enrolled in VC classes at FHS have one last opportunity to purchase textbooks today in room 45 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Bookstore accepts cash, checks, book vouchers or credit cards.
2. STUDENT HARD DRIVE - The student hard drive is still low on space and the district will be deleting all music and video files from the student drive beginning this Friday 1/23/2009.
3. FILM FESTIVAL - There will be a meeting for ALL students directing a film for the festival at lunch on Wednesday 1/21 in Rm. 18
4. ADMINISTRATIVE DETENTION – Every Tuesday & Thursday from 3:15-4:15.
5. Do you want to get sweet revenge against your teachers? Here’s your chance! The AVID Club is sponsoring a Pie Throwing Contest staring your favorite teachers! Cost is $2.00 for chance to cream your teachers. Be there on January 30th for all the action.
6. CRIME STOPPERS - $50 cash award for reporting any crimes on campus, including but not limited to weapons, violence, gang activity, drugs, vandalism or thefts. See any administrator, counselor or Officer Peterson for more information.
7. Students: Come to the One Step Center on Thursday 1/22 to get the application for the Montana Yellowstone Expedition. They will help you fill it out! Don’t miss this opportunity! (Check in Rm. 10 if you don’t know where the OS Center is!)
8. Lions Club Speech contest – February 2nd. Win $50 and a chance at over $21,000. MANDATORY meeting Wed., Jan. 28th at 3:15 in Rm. 18 (Overton). Chance to have questions answered. If you cannot attend, call Bill Edmonds at 524-4839.

1. The ASB class will put ballots in the English teacher’s boxes for student suggestions for the Sadie Hawkins theme. Please pass them out on Thursday.


90 Wednesday, January 21, 2009

PATRIOTIC OBSERVANCE: January 21, 1977 - President Carter pardoned most Vietnam War draft evaders.

Collaborative Day Bell Schedule
Length Start End
1st 0:52 8:55 AM 9:47 AM
Pass 0:05 9:47 AM 9:52 AM
2nd 0:49 9:52 AM 10:41 AM
Break 0:10 10:41 AM 10:51 AM
Pass 0:05 10:51 AM 10:56 AM
3rd 0:49 10:56 AM 11:45 AM
Pass 0:05 11:45 AM 11:50 AM
4th 0:49 11:50 AM 12:39 PM
Lunch 0:40 12:39 PM 1:19 PM
Pass 0:05 1:19 PM 1:24 PM
5th 0:49 1:24 PM 2:13 PM
Pass 0:05 2:13 PM 2:18 PM
6th 0:49 2:18 PM 3:07 PM
LU NCH: Nachos Grande, lettuce/tomato
1. BOYS SOCCER - HOME w/Crespi Carmelite. Frosh/Soph Game begins at 3PM. FROSH/SOPH BOYS ONLY are excused from class at 1:45PM.
2. BOYS SOCCER - HOME w/Santa Paula. JV game begins at 4:30PM and Varsity at 6PM.
3. WRESTLING - HOME w/SANTA CLARA. Weigh-ins begin at 4PM, Wrestling starts at 5PM.
4. BOYS BASKETBALL - AWAY @ Bishop Diego. Frosh/Soph game begins at 4PM, JV game begins at 5:30PM, Varsity at 7PM. FROSH/SOPH TEAM ONLY is excused from class at 2PM to depart at 2:15PM. JV and Varsity Teams, please see Coach Blankenship and Coach Sebek for departure times.
5. GIRLS SOCCER - AWAY @ St. Bonaventure. Varsity game begins at 2:30PM, JV follows. Girls soccer team is excused from class at 12:45PM to depart at 1:00PM.
6. SPRING SPORT PHYSICALS - Dr. Bautista will be offering Physicals to SPRING SPORT ATHLETES - TODAY beginning at 3:30PM. Athletic Packets can be obtained in the Student Store.
7. LETTERMAN JACKETS - Dagen Sales will be here on TOMORROW at lunch for students interested in ordering a Letterman’s Jackets. A $50 deposit is due at the time of the order.
8. VARSITY / JV FOOTBALL / CROSS COUNTY / PEP SQUAD - Your Individual and Team Photos are ready for distribution at KSSP Photography. Please personally pick them up at their studio.
9. JV & VARSITY FOOTBALL PLAYERS that did not attend the Banquet……Please pick-up your awards from Lynn in the Student Store.
1. FASHION CLUB – meeting at lunch on Wednesday, Jan. 21st to discuss fashion show. New members are always welcome.
2. Mentor Program...Boys and Girls Club mentoring TODAY after school
3. One Step Center Board Meeting Today at lunch - If you are interested in getting involved now is the time make a difference in your community and teens in the Fillmore/Piru area. Come join us today at lunch. Snack will be provided. Everyone is welcome!
4. Anime Club meeting on Thursday in Room 34. New members welcome
5. All entries in the Soroptomist "Live Your Dream " contest need to turn their artwork in to Ms. M by Thursday Jan. 22
6. Prayer Club: Meets Thursday in room 2. Bring your lunch for social time before prayer time. Prayer Club is open to all students.
1. Senior Class Picture - Wednesday in the gym. Teachers, please release seniors at 12:20 SHARP! Seniors wear your senior t-shirt or a black t-shirt.
2. Are you interested in becoming a model, actor, or singer? A representative from John Robert Powers Entertainment will be here on Friday, January 23rd during lunch to talk to interested students.
Scholarships: See Mrs. Larin in the College & Career Center for details.
• Hot off the press! The Fillmore Alumni Scholarship will be available on Thursday, January 22nd. Please see Mrs. Larin in the College and Career Center during break or lunch. These applications must be returned to the alumni office, 549 Sespe Ave., Suite #6 no later than 3:30 p.m., Friday, Feb. 27th.
• CSUN is offering the “Honors at Entrance Scholarship” to students who planning to attend CSUN, have a minimum GPA of 3.75, score of 1200 on SAT or 27 on ACT, complete the FAFSA, and are U.S. citizens or legal residents. For complete details, see Mrs. Larin in the College and Career Center. Deadline is Jan 30th.
• Walmart is offering the “Sam Walton Community Scholarship” to students who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents, have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better, demonstrate financial need, and have taken either the ACT or SAT tets. You must apply online at Deadline is January 31st.
1. STUDENT HARD DRIVE - The student hard drive is still low on space and the district will be deleting all music and video files from the student drive beginning this Friday 1/23/2009.
2. FILM FESTIVAL - There will be a meeting for ALL students directing a film for the festival at lunch on Wednesday 1/21 in Rm. 18
3. ADMINISTRATIVE DETENTION – Every Tuesday & Thursday from 3:15-4:15.
4. Do you want to get sweet revenge against your teachers? Here’s your chance! The AVID Club is sponsoring a Pie Throwing Contest staring your favorite teachers! Cost is $2.00 for chance to cream your teachers. Be there on January 30th for all the action.
5. CRIME STOPPERS - $50 cash award for reporting any crimes on campus, including but not limited to weapons, violence, gang activity, drugs, vandalism or thefts. See any administrator, counselor or Officer Peterson for more information.
6. Students: Come to the One Step Center on Thursday 1/22 to get the application for the Montana Yellowstone Expedition. They will help you fill it out! Don’t miss this opportunity! (Check in Rm. 10 if you don’t know where the OS Center is!)
1. The ASB class will put ballots in the English teacher’s boxes for student suggestions for the Sadie Hawkins theme. Please pass them out on Thursday.


89 Tuesday, January 20, 2009

PATRIOTIC OBSERVANCE: January 20, 1986 - Martin Luther King, Jr., day was celebrated as a federal holiday for the first time

LU NCH: Teriyaki beef dippers, white rice, broccoli.

1. GIRLS BASKETBALL - AWAY @ Nordhoff. JV game begins at 5:30PM, Varsity at 7PM. Teams are excused from class at 3PM and will depart FHS at 3;15PM.
2. SPRING SPORT PHYSICALS - Dr. Bautista will be offering Physicals to SPRING SPORT ATHLETES - TOMARROW beginning at 3:30PM. Athletic Packets can be obtained in the Student Store.
3. LETTERMAN JACKETS - Dagen Sales will be here on THURSDAY, JANUARY 22ND at lunch for students interested in ordering a Letterman’s Jackets. A $50 deposit is due at the time of the order.
4. VARSITY / JV FOOTBALL / CROSS COUNTY / PEP SQUAD - Your Individual and Team Photos are ready for distribution at KSSP Photography. Please personally pick them up at their studio.
5. JV & VARSITY FOOTBALL PLAYERS that did not attend the Banquet……Please pick-up your awards from Lynn in the Student Store.
1. Art Club meeting - Today at lunch in Room 34. New members welcome.
2. Mentor Program: Mentoring at Mtn. Vista after school today -See you there.
3. Anime Club meeting on Thursday in Room 34. New members welcome
4. All entries in the Soroptomist "Live Your Dream " contest need to turn their artwork in to Ms. M by Thursday Jan. 22
5. FASHION CLUB – meeting at lunch on Wednesday, Jan. 21st to discuss fashion show. New members are always welcome.
1. Senior Class Picture - Wednesday in the gym. Teachers, please release seniors at 12:20 SHARP! Seniors wear your senior t-shirt or a black t-shirt.
2. Are you interested in becoming a model, actor, or singer? A representative from John Robert Powers Entertainment will be here on Friday, January 23rd during lunch to talk to interested students.
3. Senior Baby Pictures: The Yearbook staff would like to put your baby picture in the yearbook. Turn in your baby picture to Mrs. Casanave in room 1 before or after school no later than Feb. 6 (write your name and first per teacher on the back of the photo). FREE!
4. Senior Wills! - Wills must be 200 words or less. AVOID TEXT LINGO. Must be school appropriate, and must be e-mailed to Mrs. Casanave ASAP!! Wills are $20 each and you must pay in the student store after your will is approved. E-mail wills no later than Feb 13:
Scholarships: See Mrs. Larin in the College & Career Center for details.
• The William S. Davila - see Mrs. Larin or go to Deadline is Jan. 20th.
• Hot off the press! The Fillmore Alumni Scholarship will be available on Thursday, January 22nd. Please see Mrs. Larin in the College and Career Center during break or lunch. These applications must be returned to the alumni office, 549 Sespe Ave., Suite #6 no later than 3:30 p.m., Friday, Feb. 27th.
1. STUDENT HARD DRIVE - Although students have freed up some space on the student hard drive we still see 4 gigabytes used up for music and video files. Please delete all video and music files.
2. FILM FESTIVAL - There will be a meeting for ALL students directing a film for the festival at lunch on Wednesday 1/21 in Rm. 18
3. ADMINISTRATIVE DETENTION – Every Tuesday & Thursday from 3:15-4:15 in Rm. 49
4. The library is now open every Wednesday morning for study hall from 7:30 - 9:00 am. Staff will be in the library to assist with homework, research, etc. Please take advantage of this opportunity.
5. Do you want to get sweet revenge against your teachers? Here’s your chance! The AVID Club is sponsoring a Pie Throwing Contest staring your favorite teachers! Cost is $2.00 for chance to cream your teachers. Be there on January 30th for all the action.
6. CRIME STOPPERS - $50 cash award for reporting any crimes on campus, including but not limited to weapons, violence, gang activity, drugs, vandalism or thefts. See any administrator, counselor or Officer Peterson for more information.
7. Students: Do you like the outdoors. Do you want to go hiking, kayaking and horseback riding? Do you want to improve your leadership skills and learn about sustainable living? And be qualified for a scholarship after participating? Yes? Then you should to apply to Montana Yellowstone Expedition. Come to the One Step Center on Thursday 1/22 to get the application, we'll help you fill it out! Don’t miss this opportunity! (Check in Rm. 10 if you don’t know where the OS Center is!)
8. Students: It is very important that you understand that the Fillmore Unified School District is committed to eliminating sexual harassment or sexual battery of any student by an employee, student, or other person, from all schools and facilities within the district. Sexual harassment or battery is improper, immoral, illegal, and will not be tolerated within the district. This policy is implemented to inform both students and personnel as to what sexual harassment/battery is and what procedures are to be followed in dealing with sexual harassment/battery within the district. See Fillmore High School Discipline Code. BP5145.7 First offense is warning & parent conference. Second offense is 3-day suspension & notification of proper authorities. Third offense 5-day suspension; notification of proper authorities & expulsion recommendation. Thank you. ……...John Wilber, Principal…..
1. The Fillmore Girls Basketball program is having a fundraiser on January 25th. The Herrera Family will be performing in a concert in the Sespe Auditorium at 3:00 p.m. on that date. All funds will be donated to the Lady Flashes Basketball program. Both the varsity and JV teams are selling the tickets. The girls would appreciate your support.


87 Thursday, January 15, 2009

PATRIOTIC OBSERVANCE: January 15, 1870 - The donkey was first used as symbol of the Democratic Party in Harper's Weekly.

LU NCH: Chicken noodle soup, grilled cheese sandwich

1. GIRLS BASKETBALL - HOME w/VILLANOVA. JV begins at 5:30PM, Varsity at 7PM.
2. FROSH GIRLS SOCCER - AWAY @ Oxnard. Game begins at 3:15PM. FROSH/SOPH GIRLS ONLY are excused from class at 1PM to depart at 1:15PM.
3. SPRING SPORT PHYSICALS - Dr. Bautista will be offering Physicals to SPRING SPORT ATHLETES on Wednesday, January 21st beginning at 3:30PM. Athletic Packets can be obtained in the Student Store.
4. LETTERMAN JACKETS - Dagen Sales will be here on THURSDAY, JANUARY 22ND at lunch for students interested in ordering a Letterman’s Jackets. A $50 deposit is due at the time of the order.
5. VARSITY / JV FOOTBALL / CROSS COUNTY / PEP SQUAD - Your Individual and Team Photos are ready for distribution at KSSP Photography. Please personally pick them up at their studio.
6. JV & VARSITY FOOTBALL PLAYERS that did not attend the Banquet……Please pick-up your awards from Lynn in the Student Store.

1. Hiking Club: meeting Thursday, Jan. 15 to plan our trip to the rock climbing gym in Ventura. Hope to see you there.
2. Anime Club meeting on Thursday at lunch in Room 34
3. Prayer Club: Meets Thursday in room 2. Bring your lunch for social time before prayer time. Prayer Club is open to all students.
4. Jamba Juice – If any club would like to host a Jamba Juice fundraiser, please call the Moorpark Jamba Juice store 529-7381.

1. Josten’s will be here on Friday during break only for late orders for cap and gowns/ announcements. Bring your money and paperwork.
2. Need help with the VCCF? Stop by the College and Career Center! Mrs. Larin is available during break and lunch to assist you.
3. Senior Baby Pictures: The Yearbook staff would like to put your baby picture in the yearbook. Turn in your baby picture to Mrs. Casanave in room 1 before or after school no later than Feb. 6 (write your name and first per teacher on the back of the photo). FREE!
4. Senior Wills! - Wills must be 200 words or less. AVOID TEXT LINGO. Must be school appropriate, and must be e-mailed to Mrs. Casanave ASAP!! Wills are $20 each and you must pay in the student store after your will is approved. E-mail wills no later than Feb 13:
Scholarships: See Mrs. Larin in the College & Career Center for details.
• Ventura County Community Foundation Scholarship can be picked up from Mrs. Larin in the College and Career Center. Do not wait until the last minute to apply! Make sure to follow all instructions or you can be disqualified. Deadline is Jan 16th.
• Dell Scholarship -You must apply online at Deadline is Jan. 15th.
• The APIASF Scholarship - see Mrs. Larin or go to Deadline is Jan 19th.
• The William S. Davila - see Mrs. Larin or go to Deadline is Jan. 20th.

1. The student hard drive is low on space and we need to have all students clean up their accounts. Please delete old files especially Power Point, Music, graphic files and any other files that are no longer needed.
2. ADMINISTRATIVE DETENTION – Every Tuesday & Thursday from 3:15-4:15 in Rm. 49
3. Winter Formal– Saturday, January 17th at the Memorial Building at 8:00 p.m. - Tickets sold at lunch in the Student Store for $60.00 a couple and $35.00 single. DJ Devine from the mid day morning show from Q-104.7 will be the DJ.
4. Lions Club Speech Contest - All students are invited to participate in the 72nd Annual Speaker Contest. All Fillmore finalists will receive $25, and the winner will get $50 and a chance to win $21,250 for a college scholarship. See Mr. Overton or call Mr. Edmonds at 524-4839.
5. Soroptimist Live Your Dream Art Contest – Students should draw a woman – past or present, real or fictional – who inspires them. See Ms. Mitzenmacher for info. $100 prize to winner!!!! $100 prize to winner’s school!
6. Beginning Wednesday, January 14, 2009, Child Nutrition Services will be implementing our “3-Strikes, No Charge Procedure”. If you owe money to the cafeteria, you will not be allowed to “charge” another meal.
7. ONE STEP - Thursday there will be a dessert class at 3:30. Come make truffles! One Step will be closed Monday Jan 19th. If you submitted an application for hire to the OSC you will be contacted this week to set up an interview for Tues, Wed or Thurs of next week. If you know it is difficult to get a hold of you, please speak to Hilary Carson or Eron Chavez to make sure you get an interview time.
8. CRIME STOPPERS - $50 cash award for reporting any crimes on campus, including but not limited to weapons, violence, gang activity, drugs, vandalism or thefts. See any administrator, counselor or Officer Peterson for more information.

1. The Fillmore Girls Basketball program is having a fundraiser on January 25th. The Herrera Family will be performing in a concert in the Sespe Auditorium at 3:00 p.m. on that date. All funds will be donated to the Lady Flashes Basketball program. Both the varsity and JV teams are selling the tickets. The girls would appreciate your support.


86 Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Collaborative Day Bell Schedule
Length Start End
1st 0:52 8:55 AM 9:47 AM
Pass 0:05 9:47 AM 9:52 AM
2nd 0:49 9:52 AM 10:41 AM
Break 0:10 10:41 AM 10:51 AM
Pass 0:05 10:51 AM 10:56 AM
3rd 0:49 10:56 AM 11:45 AM
Pass 0:05 11:45 AM 11:50 AM
4th 0:49 11:50 AM 12:39 PM
Lunch 0:40 12:39 PM 1:19 PM
Pass 0:05 1:19 PM 1:24 PM
5th 0:49 1:24 PM 2:13 PM
Pass 0:05 2:13 PM 2:18 PM
6th 0:49 2:18 PM 3:07 PM
PATRIOTIC OBSERVANCE: January 14, 2008 - Bobby Jindal takes office as governor of Louisiana as the first elected Indian-American governor of the U.S.

LU NCH: Beef & Bean tostada, Spanish rice, lettuce/tomato.
1. BOYS BASKETBALL - HOME w/SANTA PAULA. Frosh-Soph game begins4PM, JV at 5:30PM, Varsity at 7PM.
2. GIRLS SOCCER - HOME w/Carpinteria. JV game begins at 4:30PM and Varsity at 6PM.
3. WRESTLING - HOME w/Nordhoff, Malibu & Bishop Diego. Weigh-ins begin at 4PM, Wrestling begins at 5PM.
4. BOYS SOCCER - AWAY @ Carpinteria. JV game begins at 3:15PM, Varsity at 4:45PM. Boys are excused from class at 1:00PM to depart at 1:15PM.
5. SPRING SPORT PHYSICALS - Dr. Bautista will be offering Physicals to SPRING SPORT ATHLETES on Wednesday, January 21st beginning at 3:30PM. Athletic Packets can be obtained in the Student Store.
6. LETTERMAN JACKETS - Dagen Sales will be here on THURSDAY, JANUARY 22ND at lunch for students interested in ordering a Letterman’s Jackets. A $50 deposit is due at the time of the order.
7. VARSITY / JV FOOTBALL / CROSS COUNTY / PEP SQUAD - Your Individual and Team Photos are ready for distribution at KSSP Photography. Please personally pick them up at their studio.
8. JV & VARSITY FOOTBALL PLAYERS that did not attend the Banquet……Please pick-up your awards from Lynn in the Student Store.
1. Hiking Club: meeting Thursday, Jan. 15 to plan our trip to the rock climbing gym in Ventura. Hope to see you there.
2. Fashion Club meeting on Wednesday at lunch in Room 34.
3. Anime Club meeting on Thursday at lunch in Room 34
4. Prayer Club: Meets Thursday in room 2. Bring your lunch for social time before prayer time. Prayer Club is open to all students.
5. Jamba Juice – If any club would like to host a Jamba Juice fundraiser, please call the Moorpark Jamba Juice store 529-7381.

1. Josten’s will be here on Friday during break only for late orders for cap and gowns/ announcements. Bring your money and paperwork.
2. Need help with the VCCF? Stop by the College and Career Center! Mrs. Larin is available during break and lunch to assist you.
Scholarships: See Mrs. Larin in the College & Career Center for details.
• Ventura County Community Foundation Scholarship can be picked up from Mrs. Larin in the College and Career Center. Do not wait until the last minute to apply! Make sure to follow all instructions or you can be disqualified. Deadline is Jan 16th.
• Dell Scholarship -You must apply online at Deadline is Jan. 15th.
• The APIASF Scholarship - see Mrs. Larin or go to Deadline is Jan 19th.
• The William S. Davila - see Mrs. Larin or go to Deadline is Jan. 20th.
1. The student hard drive is low on space and we need to have all students clean up their accounts. Please delete old files especially Power Point, Music, graphic files and any other files that are no longer needed.
2. ADMINISTRATIVE DETENTION – Every Tuesday & Thursday from 3:15-4:15 in Rm. 49
3. Winter Formal– Saturday, January 17th at the Memorial Building at 8:00 p.m. - Tickets sold at lunch in the Student Store for $60.00 a couple and $35.00 single. DJ Devine from the mid day morning show from Q-104.7 will be the DJ.
4. Lions Club Speech Contest - All students are invited to participate in the 72nd Annual Speaker Contest. All Fillmore finalists will receive $25, and the winner will get $50 and a chance to win $21,250 for a college scholarship. See Mr. Overton or call Mr. Edmonds at 524-4839.
5. Soroptimist Live Your Dream Art Contest – Students should draw a woman – past or present, real or fictional – who inspires them. See Ms. Mitzenmacher for info. $100 prize to winner!!!! $100 prize to winner’s school!
6. Beginning Wednesday, January 14, 2009, Child Nutrition Services will be implementing our “3-Strikes, No Charge Procedure”. If you owe money to the cafeteria, you will not be allowed to “charge” another meal.
7. ONE STEP - Today at the One Step Center there will be a Video Production class from 3:30 to 5:30. We will be going over specifics of how to use the video camera, microphones and will start on editing. Thursday is our dessert class at 3:30. Come make truffles! One Step will be closed Monday Jan 19th. If you submitted an application for hire to the OSC you will be contacted this week to set up an interview for Tues, Wed or Thurs of next week. If you know it is difficult to get a hold of you, please speak to Hilary Carson or Eron Chavez to make sure you get an interview time.
8. CRIME STOPPERS - $50 cash award for reporting any crimes on campus, including but not limited to weapons, violence, gang activity, drugs, vandalism or thefts. See any administrator, counselor or Officer Peterson for more information.
1. The Fillmore Girls Basketball program is having a fundraiser on January 25th. The Herrera Family will be performing in a concert in the Sespe Auditorium at 3:00 p.m. on that date. All funds will be donated to the Lady Flashes Basketball program. Both the varsity and JV teams are selling the tickets. The girls would appreciate your support.


85 Tuesday, January 13, 2009

PATRIOTIC OBSERVANCE: January 13, 1990 - Douglas Wilder of Virginia became the first elected African-American governor in the United States.

LU NCH: Orange Chicken, rice, broccoli

1. GIRLS BASKETBALL - AWAY @ LA REINA. JV Game begins at 5:30PM, Varsity at 7PM. Bus will depart FHS at 3:30PM.
2. SPRING SPORT PHYSICALS - Dr. Bautista will be offering Physicals to SPRING SPORT ATHLETES on Wednesday, January 21st beginning at 3:30PM. Athletic Packets can be obtained in the Student Store.
3. LETTERMAN JACKETS - Dagen Sales will be here on THURSDAY, JANUARY 22ND at lunch for students interested in ordering a Letterman’s Jackets. A $50 deposit is due at the time of the order.
4. VARSITY / JV FOOTBALL / CROSS COUNTY / PEP SQUAD - Your Individual and Team Photos are ready for distribution at KSSP Photography. Please personally pick them up at their studio.

1. Art Club meeting on Tuesday at lunch in Room 34. New members welcome.
2. Cycling Club: Lunch meeting today Rm. 46 -For all students who would like ride in the LA Marathon Bicycle Tour on 3/7/09 you must have a bicycle and helmet.
3. Mentor Program: Tuesday Mountain Vista mentoring today after school. Please be on site by 3:25pm.
4. Hiking Club: meeting Thursday, Jan. 15 to plan our trip to the rock climbing gym in Ventura. Hope to see you there.
5. Fashion Club meeting on Wednesday at lunch in Room 34.
6. Anime Club meeting on Thursday at lunch in Room 34
7. Prayer Club: Meets Thursday in room 2. Bring your lunch for social time before prayer time. Prayer Club is open to all students.

1. Josten’s will be here on Friday during break only for late orders for cap and gowns/ announcements. Bring your money and paperwork.
2. Need help with the VCCF? Stop by the College and Career Center! Mrs. Larin is available during break and lunch to assist you.
Scholarships: See Mrs. Larin in the College & Career Center for details.
• Ventura County Community Foundation Scholarship can be picked up from Mrs. Larin in the College and Career Center. Do not wait until the last minute to apply! Make sure to follow all instructions or you can be disqualified. Deadline is Jan 16th.
• Dell Scholarship -You must apply online at Deadline is Jan. 15th.
• Gate Millennium Scholars Program Scholarship - submitted online by January 12, 2009 at 11:59 p.m. EST or the paper application postmarked on or before January 12, 2009.
• The APIASF Scholarship - see Mrs. Larin or go to Deadline is Jan 19th.
• The William S. Davila - see Mrs. Larin or go to Deadline is Jan. 20th.
Math teachers are available to help ANY student. You don’t have to be in that teacher’s class to get help!
Teacher Before School Lunch After school
Byrne 7 am M-F T TH M W
Sebek M-F M-Th
Chaffee M-F by appt M-Th
Vincent M-F by appt
Lomeli 7 am M-F
Kandel M-F by appt Tue
Moreno 7:30 M-F M-F by appt M-TH 3-4

1. The student hard drive is low on space and we need to have all students clean up their accounts. Please delete old files especially Power Point, Music, graphic files and any other files that are no longer needed.
2. ADMINISTRATIVE DETENTION – Every Tuesday & Thursday from 3:15-4:15 in Rm. 49
3. The library is open every Wednesday morning for study hall from 7:30 - 9:00 am. Staff will be in the library to assist with homework, research, etc. Please take advantage of this opportunity.
4. One Step - Monday there will be a cooking class with Rudy from 3:30 to 4:30. From 4:30 – 5:30, Ian Williams will be leading a workshop on resumes and cover letters.
5. Get your Winter Formal – Saturday, January 17th - Tickets sold at lunch in the Student Store for $60.00 a couple and $35.00 single.
6. Lions Club Speech Contest - All students are invited to participate in the 72nd Annual Speaker Contest. All Fillmore finalists will receive $25, and the winner will get $50 and a chance to win $21,250 for a college scholarship. See Mr. Overton or call Mr. Edmonds at 524-4839.
7. Soroptimist Live Your Dream Art Contest – Students should draw a woman – past or present, real or fictional – who inspires them. See Ms. Mitzenmacher for info. $100 prize to winner!!!! $100 prize to winner’s school!
8. Beginning Wednesday, January 14, 2009, Child Nutrition Services will be implementing our “3-Strikes, No Charge Procedure”. If you owe money to the cafeteria, you will not be allowed to “charge” another meal.

1. The Fillmore Girls Basketball program is having a fundraiser on January 25th. The Herrera Family will be performing in a concert in the Sespe Auditorium at 3:00 p.m. on that date. All funds will be donated to the Lady Flashes Basketball program. Both the varsity and JV teams are selling the tickets. The girls would appreciate your support.