1st Marine Division honors Piru Petroleum
![]() Marines troop the colors for the 1st Marine Division Association, Bodfish Chapter, Friday, during the first Campout for the organization at Britt Park in Piru. The Association presented a granite memorial, flag and flagpole, in the Division’s honor. Everyone enjoyed a great BB-Q lunch and participated in the dedication of the memorial. It is hoped that many more Campouts will take place at Britt Park. By Dick Diaz — Wednesday, February 17th, 2010
Once a Marine always a Marine was never more true than it was on Friday, February 12th at Britt Park in Piru at the meeting of the Piru Petroleum Club! I was invited to the meeting by Jerry and Lynda Edmonds to represent the Fillmore Gazette because it was a special day for not only the Piru Petroleum Club, but also for the 1st Marine Division Association and the Bodfish Chapter. As a veteran Marine it was also a special day for me and I was honored to be present! Today marked the first time the 1st Marine Division Association's Bodfish Chapter has met at a different location in over 40 years when the Chapter was formed by the late John Loomis and approximately five other veteran Marines in the 1960's! The 1st Marine Division Association is made up of active, retired and veteran Marines and Fleet Marine Force (FMF) Navy Corpsman. The Bodfish Chapter was at their first Campout, of what is hoped to be the first of many future Campouts at Britt Park. The Bodfish Chapter Campouts began in the 1960’s at the Tar Spring Ranch in Arroyo Grande, California at the home of John and Lindy Loomis. The Chapter was chartered in 1978 and became an official Chapter of the 1st Marine Division Association. The 1st Marine Division Association is an International Organization with approximately 8,000 members. The Bodfish Chapter has approximately 120 members from all over the United States. The Chapter membership is open to any Marine or FMF Corpsman who served in the 1st Marine Division and is a paid up member of National, 1st Marine Division Association. When John Loomis passed away in 2007 the Loomis family continued hosting the Bodfish Chapter at their ranch until recently when the ranch began dividing up among the family and hosting the event became to much for the family to continue to host. This began the search for a new meeting location and the fortunate discovery of Britt Park and the Piru Petroleum Club ended their search. The Bodfish Chapter has one formal meeting a year that last three days over Presidents Day Weekend. During this time new Chapter Officers are elected. Due to the demands placed on the Officers during the year the term of office is limited to one year. The outgoing Bodfish Chapter President for 2009 is Mike “Squidley” Enos. Chapter business is also continued through the monthly “Semper Fi News” Newsletter. One of the important orders of business of the Campout is the annual auction. The auction is held on Saturday afternoon, following the General Business meeting and election. Here you will find some really interesting United States Marine Corps memorabilia and other great items. The proceeds from the auction are donated to the 1st Marine Division Association General/Scholarship Fund. Over the past forty- years the Bodfish Chapter has donated over 800 thousand dollars to the Association. Because members donate generously each Auction has raised from $5,000 to $17,000 over the two hour time-limit of the Auction. Several Years ago the Bodfish Chapter Patriarch, John Loomis, wanted to establish a way to honor a United States Marine Corps Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) and FMF Corpsman from the Division. He decided to present a United States Marine Corps NCO (Corporal or Sergeant) with a Bodfish sword ( Official Regulation Marine NCO sword) and a FMF Corpsman with a K-Bar fighting knife. This award is presented annually at the Bodfish Campout. The awards are called the “Bodfish Sword of Honor” and the “Devil Doc Award”. The award is rotated between each of the Regiments and supporting Battalions of the 1st Marine Division. At the meeting and lunch prepared by Richie Arias and his crew the Bodfish Chapter's Campout “Gunney” Dale Turner, donated an installed telescopic flag pole, plaque and United States Flag to the Piru Petroleum Club President Gill Escoto. The United States Marine Corps Mounted Color Guard presented the Colors for the start of the 2010 Bodfish Chapter Campout. As they say in the United States Marine Corps, “Semper Fidelis” which means “Always Faithful”. The events this Presidents Day weekend at Britt Park are an example of the camaraderie shared by all United States Marine Corps personnel currently serving, retired and veteran Marines! Regardless of thoughts to the contrary, Freedom is not free. At some point, a veteran signed a blank check made payable to the United States of America “for up to and including” his/her life, for freedom. We thank those who are no longer with us because they paid the ultimate sacrifice for for Freedom. A hardy welcome from the Community of Piru to the 1st Marine Division Association's Bodfish Chapter. The Community of Piru hopes you enjoy a long association with this community and the Piru Petroleum Club. Each and every one of you are truly American Heroes and we thank you for your service! |