2018 Holiday Yard of the Year
Holiday Yard of the Year!
Holiday Yard of the Year!

The Holiday Yard of the Year was awarded to Maureen Shea at 408 Robin Ct. Maureen stated that they have decorated their home for over 20 years. “The joy and smiles it brings to other people makes us keep doing it year after year,” said Maureen. They try and change a little every year, but they still want to keep the fun theme going with cool characters and animals. “What would Christmas be without a Santa—everybody loves him,” concluded Maureen. Take a drive around town and enjoy the many homes that have decorated their homes for the holidays. The Shea family were presented with a $40 gift certificate courtesy of Otto & Sons Nursery (1835 Guiberson Rd.) from Ari Larson representing Fillmore Civic Pride. If you are interested in learning more about Fillmore Civic Pride please contact Ari Larson 805.794.7590 or petenari55@hotmail.com