AT&T Tower Displays City Seal
The AT&T Corp. antenna support structure along the bike path just north of the 500 block of Santa Clara Street got its finishing touches this week. The facility consists of a 65-foot antenna support structure with the architectural treatment of a hip roof, with back-up generator surrounded by a 6’ high block wall. It is located at 563 Santa Clara St. adjacent to the railroad right of way. The antenna support tower structure contains the antenna panels and radio units, and proudly displays the City of Fillmore’s official seal. A concrete slab on grade provides support for the ground mounted equipment.
The AT&T Corp. antenna support structure along the bike path just north of the 500 block of Santa Clara Street got its finishing touches this week. The facility consists of a 65-foot antenna support structure with the architectural treatment of a hip roof, with back-up generator surrounded by a 6’ high block wall. It is located at 563 Santa Clara St. adjacent to the railroad right of way. The antenna support tower structure contains the antenna panels and radio units, and proudly displays the City of Fillmore’s official seal. A concrete slab on grade provides support for the ground mounted equipment.