On February 28, 2012, Fillmore resident Briana Vazquez received the official word that she had been chosen by her peers as the 2011 Explorer of the Year. Briana is deserving of this award, and has made quite an impression at the Fillmore Police Station.
Briana is the daughter of Leo and Barbara Vazquez. Danny Vazquez is her younger brother. She was born at Travis Air Force Base, CA, and moved to Fillmore when her father became a Ventura County Sheriff’s Deputy. Briana graduated from Fillmore High School in 2011 and is currently attending Ventura Community College. She is planning to transfer to UC Santa Barbara and be an Art/History major.
In 2010, Briana became a member of the Santa Clara Valley Explorer Post 2958. She attended a four week academy, where Briana and her peers attended law enforcement classes and performed physical education exercises similar to those in training at our the Ventura County Regional Training Center. Briana was seen as a leader in the post and rose in rank and is currently a Sergeant with the explorer post.
Braina’s Accomplishments:
• As of December 2011, she had performed 438 hours of community service.
• Assisted the Fillmore and Ojai Deputies with DUI checkpoints.
• She was an actor in the “Every 15 minutes” DUI presentation at Fillmore High School.
• She and her peers participated in the “Relay for Life” in 2010 and 2011.
• Briana volunteers for traffic control for the May Festival and Christmas Parades.
• She volunteered for the North Fillmore Storefront Toy Giveaway for the past five years.
These are just a few of the details that Briana and her peers in Explorer Post 2958 perform with no hesitation and with enthusiasm.
Currently, Briana works at the Fillmore Police Station as a Student Aid. She works at the station aiding the front desk operation with subpoena distribution, vehicle mileage reports, filing, shredding, answering telephones, and customer service.
Due to her hard work, dedication, and leadership skills she is a deserving recipient of the 2011 Explorer of the Year.