Broggie Appointed Mayor, Gurrola Mayor Pro Tem
By Gazette Staff Writers — Friday, December 15th, 2023
![]() Carrie Broggie was appointed Mayor. Chris Gurrola was appointed Mayor Pro Tem. 7.K CHANNEL MAINTENANCE CONTRACT - STORM DRAIN MAINTENENCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT #7 RECOMMENDATION That the City Council award a contract to Cerco Engineering, in an amount not to exceed $59,235, which includes a contingency amount of 10% of the total proposal, in a form approved by the City Attorney’s office, from Storm Drain Maintenance Assessment District #7 for the maintenance of the drainage channel south of the El Dorado Mobile Home Park. Gurrola abstained due to conflict. This item passed 4-0 8.A FIFTH PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE INPUT REGARDING THE ADOPTION OF A DISTRICT-BASED ELECTION SYSTEM AND ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH DISTRICT BOUNDARIES AND ELECTION SEQUENCING AND ADOPTION OF EXEMPTION FROM CEQA RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Receive a report from the City’s consultant, National Demographics Corporation (NDC), on draft district maps and potential sequencing for district-based elections; 2. Conduct a public hearing to receive community input on the draft maps and transition to district elections; and 3. Adopt an ordinance to establish district boundaries and election sequencing and an exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Passed 3-2. "No" votes from Austin and Mendez 8.B SELECTION OF 2024 MAYOR AND MAYOR PRO TEMPORE Carrie Broggie was appointed Mayor. Chris Gurrola was appointed Mayor Pro Tem. 8.C APPOINTMENT TO CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS, LIAISONS, AND OUTSIDE AGENCIES. Carrie Broggie, Mayor. Chris Gurrola, Mayor Pro-Tem. Christina Villaseñor, Council Member. Mark Austin, Council Member. Albert Mendez, Council Member. 8.D DISCUSSION AND ADOPTION OF PROPOSED 2024 CITY COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULE. RECOMMENDATION Adopt the proposed 2024 City Council Meeting Schedule or provide additional direction to staff. Passed 5-0 8.E APPROVAL OF THE ENERGY AND WATER SAVINGS PERFORMANCE CONTRACT WITH WILLDAN ENERGY SOLUTIONS FOR WATER METER REPLACEMENTS AND INFRASTRUCTURE UPGRADES. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council: 1. Find that the anticipated cost to the City under the proposed contract will be less than the anticipated marginal cost to the City of thermal, electrical, or other energy that would have been consumed by the City in the absence of those purchases. 2. Find that funds for the repayment of the financing or the cost of design, construction, and operation of the energy conservation facility, or both, as required by the contract, are projected to be available from revenues resulting from sales of electricity or thermal energy from the facility or from funding that otherwise would have been used for purchase of electrical, thermal, or other energy required by the public agency in the absence of the energy conservation facility, or both. 3. Authorize the City Manager to execute the Water and Energy Savings Performance Contract between the City of Fillmore and Willdan Energy Solutions (WES) in a form approved by the City Attorney. Passed 5-0 8.F AUTHORIZING HIRING COLUMBIA CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, LLC FOR MUNICIPAL ADVISORY SERVICES, APPROPRIATE FUNDS FROM WATER RESERVE FUNDS, AND PERMIT CITY STAFF TO INITIATE TAX EXEMPT LEASE FINANCING PROCESS IN RELATION TO THE ADVANCED METERING INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT. Passed 5-0 8.G INTRODUCE BY FIRST READING ORDINANCE NO. 23-960 TO AMEND FILLMORE MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 6.16 – FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION. RECOMMENDATION That the City Council introduce first reading of Ordinance 23-960, updating various provisions of Fillmore Municipal Code (“FMC”) Chapter 6.16 for compliance with Federal law pertaining to the National Flood Insurance Program (“NFIP”). Passed 5-0 8.H REVIEW OF FY 2022-23 DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEE ANNUAL AND FIVE-YEAR REPORT AND CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION NO. 23-3978 MAKING FINDINGS REGARDING UNEXPENDED DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES RECOMMENDATION That the City Council: 1. Review the Development Impact Fee (DIF) income and expense report information for FY 2022-23 (“DIF Report”), receive comments from members of the public, and after considering any comments received, provide City staff with any direction deemed appropriate and receive and file the DIF Report.; and 2. Approve Resolution No. 23-3978 making the findings required by state law with respect to a portion of DIF funds that are unexpended and were collected over five (5) years ago and to accept the DIF Report. Passed 5-0 8.I ADOPTION OF THE FY 2024-25 RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (ROPS) OF THE PERIOD JULY 1, 2024 THROUGH JUNE 30,2025 AND THE ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF FILLMORE RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Successor Agency Board of Directors: 1. Approve the attached Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) and Administrative Budget and authorize the Executive Director (City Manager) or his designee to submit the ROPS and Administrative Budget for the period July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025 for review and approval by the Ventura County Consolidated Oversight Board (“VCCOB”) and the California Department of Finance (“DOF”); and 2. Authorize the Executive Director or his designee to make any changes needed as directed by the VCCOB or DOF |