Church Seeks Zoning Change for Mixed-use Residential Apartments & Commercial Retail
![]() Fillmore City Council. By Anonymous — Wednesday, August 14th, 2019
Fillmore City Council Meeting
![]() Pictured is Rondi Guthrie, spokesperson for Southern California Edison Wildfire Mitigation, who gave a presentation on the various activities Edison has employed to help protect against future wildfires. A broad-scoped presentation was provided by Rondi Guthrie, spokesperson for Southern California Edison Wildfire Mitigation. It explained the many and various activities and equipment types employed by Edison to protect against expected future wildfires throughout the state. Rio Vista Park: City Council approved the following actions:1.Accept the Rio Vista Park improvements located easterly of the basin fencing as complete; 2.Accept the Rio Vista Park basin area as substantially complete, pending successful plant establishment for final acceptance;3.Authorize the reduction of the overall Tract 5496-1 subdivision improvement Bond # PB10163700337 by $821,265 to reduce the Community Park Construction and Landscaping bond amount to 25% for 1-year warranty period and 4.Authorize Mayor to execute Amendment No. 1 to the Contract Services Agreement for Spec No. 17-04 Landscape Maintenance Services with Mariposa Landscapes, Inc. to add landscape maintenance and irrigation services for Rio Vista Park. The Council approved the Planning Commission recommendations that it take the following action: 1.Submit comments about amending the Downtown Specific Plan. 2.Direct City Staff to develop a Request Proposal and budget for City Council approval to select a consultant to update the Downtown Specific Plan. City staff desires to amend the Downtown Specific Plan to recognize that existing buildings downtown will have different land uses in the future and that policies should be established to relax parking and architectural standards. The Planning Commission reviewed this item at a public hearing held on July 17, 2019. The Commission adopted a resolution recommending that the City Council amend the Downtown Specific Plan to add new regulations for adaptive reuse projects. Accordingly, City Staff recommends that the City Council: 1. Introduce Ordinance No. 19-914 for first reading, approving Downtown Specific Plan Amendment 19-02 and Finding of Exemption from CEQA. Request approved. Faith Community Church City of Fillmore. CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTIONAND APPROVAL OFAN INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION, GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT, DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT, ZONE CHANGE, AND DEVELOPMENT PERMIT ENABLING ADAPTIVE REUSE OF EXISTING CHURCH BUILDING AS A MIXED-USE RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT AND SPECIALTY RETAIL COMMERCIAL COMPLEX LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF 1ST STREET AND CENTRAL AVENUE REQUEST: The Applicant, 461 Central Avenue LLC (the “Applicant” with Alex Glasscock as the Applicant’s Agent), seeks approval of legislative changes and entitlements for the adaptive reuse of a property currently developed, but no longer in use, as a church and school, on 40,511 square feet of land located at the southwest corner of 1st Street and Central Avenue, known as 461 Central Avenue(the “Property”). The church and school buildings are proposed to retain the exterior façade, with an interior conversion of the buildings to a mixed-use residential apartment complex with 26 dwelling units, 4 of which will be restricted to rent as affordable senior units, and 3,777 square feet of specialty commercial building space (the “Project”). The Planning Commission has recommends that the City Council take the following actions: 1.Approve Resolution No. 19-3728, adopting Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program2.Approve Resolution No. 19-3729, adopting General Plan Amendment 18-023.Approve first reading to introduce Ordinance No 19-915 adopting Downtown Specific Plan Amendment 18-014.Approve first reading to introduce Ordinance No. 19-916, adopting Zone Change 18-025.Approve Resolution No. 19-3730, approving Development Permit 18-09, subject to conditions of approval. Requests approved. REQUEST: The Applicant, Harold Foy, requests approvals to merge 5 lots into 1 lot and construct a three-story mixed-use complex consisting of 18 residential condominiums and 4,821 square feet of street level commercial space. The Applicant also requests approval of a CEQA categorical exemption. The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the Project which requires adopting the following: 1. Resolution 19-3732, Approving Vesting Tentative Map 5923,2. Resolution 19-3733, Approving a Density Bonus, and 3. Resolution 19-3735 Approving Development Permit 14-02 and a CEQA Categorical Exemption subject to Conditions of Approval. Council approved project. SUBJECT: Discussion of the Certificate of Occupancy for Rotorcraft Support Inc., 67 D Street and Consideration of an Offsite Improvement Agreement to defer public improvements and an Amendment of the Agreement Allowing Deferral of Payment of DIFREQUEST City staff is requesting that the City Council review the status of the Rotorcraft Support Inc. project and give direction to City on the following: 1.Determining if a Final Certificate of Occupancy can be issued, 2.An Offsite Improvement Agreement to defer the construction of public improvements and on-site improvements for 1 year, and 3.An amendment the Development Impact Fee deferment (DIF) agreement to extend the time for payment for 1 additional year and addition of unpaid transportation fees. Council Directed staff to extend the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for two weeks, until the next Council meeting, to give staff more time to work on the agreements and bond amounts with Rotorcraft to see if agreement can be reached. |