Ron Smith, Citizen of the Year
Ron is a longtime resident of Fillmore and Piru. He spent a good portion of his youth with his Grandparents, Lloyd & Evelyn Hill in Piru where Evelyn was raised atop Torrey Mountain. He attended Fillmore High School graduating in the Class of 1984. Ron has two children, Alyssa 26 and Sean 24. Ron resides in Fillmore with his Common-Law wife of 16 years, Laura. Ron is very committed to his community, but when he does get free time he enjoys long drives, RVing, motorcycle riding and yard sales.
Ron became active with Fillmore Boy Scout Troop 406 in 1998 when his son Sean joined the Troop. He is currently an Assistant Scoutmaster and Troop Committee Treasurer. In years past Ron has organized the Christmas Tree Train, Trash clean-up detail at the May Festival, parking for Thomas the Tank Engine and other fundraising events for Troop 406. Ron also spearheaded the necessary electrical upgrades and lighting needed to reopen Camp Willet after it had been closed for many years. Mr. Smith located, procured & detailed the current camping trailer now used by the Fillmore Troop and then helped rebuild the old trailer by adding a new roof to it. He has attended numerous weeklong Summer & Winter Camps allowing local boys to live the camp experience long after his own boy moved on from the Troop. He continues to participate in many Troop activities.
Ron also serves as a Board Member on the Fillmore Lion's Club Boy Scout Building Foundation to help maintain a meeting place for the Fillmore Boy Scouts.
As a Lion’s Club Member since 2004, Ron serves on the Lion’s Club Board of Directors. He is in charge of the Highway 126 Cleanup making sure this is done on a regular basis and per Cal Trans specifications. Ron is also the Chairman of the Enchilada Dinner Fundraiser, ordering and procuring supplies & services to make it a success. He is involved heavily in other fundraising activities such as setting up the Bingo Booth and working shifts within the Booth once operational. He sets up and oversees the credit card machines necessary to make the Lion's Club Fireworks Booth a yearly success as well.
Ron is currently the President of the Fillmore Citizen Patrol and Disaster Service Volunteers. This Patrol is overseen by the Ventura County Sheriff's Department and is used to help the Dept. discover, report, and prevent crimes as well as identify and respond to emergencies as needed. As President, Ron leads the group and coordinates with the VCSD to arrange training and scheduled activities. The Patrol responds when needed to incidents, such as providing traffic control, search assistance, and securing crime scenes. Ron has done many Ride-Along's with deputies to further his knowledge of Law Enforcement policies & procedures. Ron has been trained in CPR, First Aid, CERT and has attended the Ventura County Sheriff's Dept. Citizen’s Academy.