City Council & Planning Commission Meeting
![]() The Fillmore City Council focused largely on Heritage Valley Parks (Bridges) Subdivision, along with uses for the remaining, and relocated green bridges. By Anonymous — Wednesday, September 26th, 2018
At Tuesday's Special Joint Meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission the following new business occurred: NEW BUSINESS The applicant, Hearthstone Multi-Asset, Entity C, LLC, is constructing public improvements (Rio Vista Park, streets, traffic circles, bike paths, etc.) in Tract 5496, which is known as The Bridges subdivision. The traffic circles are one of the remaining public improvements to be constructed that do not yet have a final approved design. A single tree in the center of the traffic circle was decided upon. The cost of a "specimen" tree would be $173,010. This was determined to be the least expensive among 14 alternatives. The Planning Commission reviewed the above alternative and, based upon City staff recommendation, the Planning Commission recommends the City Council accept the design of a Large Specimen Tree (California Live Oak, 8’x’8’ box). PUBLIC HEARING - INITIATION OF REORGANIZATION (ANNEXATION 17-01) FOR A 2.03-ACRE PARCEL AS PART OF HERITAGE VALLEY PARKS SPECIFIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION (APN 054-0-010-335). Phase 1 of the Specific Plan is currently under construction and will soon be complete. Phase 2 of the Specific Plan includes the construction of 459 dwelling units, a community park, and infrastructure to support the build-out of the Specific Plan area. This annexation is for an area necessary for infrastructure including the extension of Heritage Valley Parkway from the Phase 1 area, through the Phase 2 residential area, and connecting to SR 126 in the proposed annexation area. The Planning Commission reviewed the Annexation request on August 15, 2018 and had no comments and supported the annexation. The plan was unanimously approved by the Council. DESIGN REVIEW OF THE CITY GATEWAY (EAST ENTRY) OF THE HERITAGE VALLEY PARKS (BRIDGES) SUBDIVSION SIDEWALK ASSESSMENT AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES AGREEMENT AN AGREEMENT WITH THE FILLMORE ROPING CLUB TO USE THE FILLMORE EQUESTRIAN CENTER was approved unanimously. The Club has used the facility for more than 20-years. |