(l-r) Mayor Diane McCall presenting a Certificate of Appreciation to Diane & Steve Sutton for being active and positive community leaders by providing a tree topper for the City of Fillmore’s Holiday Tree.

(l-r) Fillmore Mayor Diane McCall presenting a certificate to La Fondita Restaurant who was recognized for “Best Tamle Award” at Fillmore’s First Annual Santa Stroll Tamle Taste Off held on December 14, 2017.

Fillmore’s Extreme Voltage Cheer Squad was also recognized at last night’s meeting as the winners of the People’s Choice Award for Best Trunk at the First Annual Trunk or Treat Event held back on October of 2017.
City of Fillmore City Council and Successor Agency regular Tuesday, January 8, 2019 meeting was held at 6:30pm at Fillmore City Hall.
AGENDA: Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. Attending were Councilmembers Mark Austin, Manuel Minjares, Lynn Edmonds, Mayor Pro Tem Tim Holmgren, Mayor Diane McCall
Following are Approval of Agenda and Presentations: Mayor Diane McCall
- Extreme Voltage Cheer Trunk or Treat People's Choice Award Best Trunk
- La Fondita Winner of Tamale Taste Off During Santa Stroll
- Diane and Steve Sutton Certificate of Appreciation
Public Comments were held.
CONSENT CALENDAR - Recommendation for Item A. through C. is to Approve by voice
Warrants were reviewed/approved.
Adoption of Resolution NO. OB 19-01 approving the recognized obligation payment schedule for the period July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020 for the City of Fillmore Successor Agency.
An award for contract for sales tax monitoring and auditing went to HDL Companies.
Appointment to the Planning Commission – Carrie Broggie
Staff Report for Planning Commission Appointment.pdf
OUTSIDE AGENCIES—Ventura Regional Sanitation District – Primary Mark Austin (no change); alternate Mayor McCall
VCTC Primary Minjares – no change
Ventura County Animal Regulation – Primary McCall (no change; alternate Mark Austin
Air Pollution Control District – Primary Lynn Edmonds, Alternate McCall
Ventura Council of Government – Primary McCall, Alternate Mayor Pro Tem Tim Holmgren
Economic Development Commission – Ventura County – Primary Non-Councilmember Ernie Villegas
Ventura County Regional Energy Alliance – Primary Holmgren (no change) Alternate Lynn Edmonds
Chamber of Commerce – Primary Holmgren (no change); alternate Lynn Edmonds
Fillmore and Piru Basins Groundwater Sustainability Agency – Lynn Edmonds
Standing Committees and Ad-Hoc
Interview/Selection Committee for Commissions and Committees – Minjares and Holmgren
Ventura County City Selection Committee McCall
Utilities Ad Hoc Committee – Minjares and McCall no change
Special School Board District Ad Hoc Committee Lynn Edmonds and Tim Holmgren
Downtown Revitalization Ad Hoc Committee – Minjares
Economic Development Committee – Austin and McCall
2019-20 Budget Ad Hoc Committee – McCall and Austin
Agreement with the Fillmore Association of Businesses (FAB) to reimburse the City of Fillmore for the services of Main St. Architects study of downtown.
Discuss and provide direction regarding proposed zoning ordinance update and use of consultant.
Zoning Ordinance Staff Report.
Discuss and provide direction on providing interpretation at City Council meetings. Fillmore - Interpretation Services staff report-PM additions.
Committee, Commission , and Board Reports.
City Council Reports, Recommendations, and Comments.
Closed Session.
Conference with legal counsel – anticipated litigation. The City Council conducted a closed session, pursuant to Government Code sections 54956.9(d)(4), because the City is considering whether to initiate litigation in one case.
Conference with legal counsel – anticipated litigation - The
City Council will conduct a closed session, pursuant to Government Code sections
54956.9(d)(2) and (d)(3), because there is a significant exposure to litigation in one
Mayor Diane McCall adjourned to the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting at 6:30pm, City Hall, 250 Central Avenue, Fillmore, CA 93015.