City of Fillmore to File Notices of Completion for C Street Sewer Repair
By Gazette Staff Writers — Friday, January 12th, 2024
![]() Right is Jeff Wurm, Investment Division Director from the California State Treasurer's Office, who joined in virtually for Tuesday night’s City Council meeting to discuss the local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) along with Debra Cavaletto, Finance Director. All New Business items passed 5-0 (9.A-D) 5. PRESENTATIONS: 5.A WORKFORCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES - VIVIAN SR - Second Reading of Floodplain Ordinance No. 23-960. Final.pdf 9.A ADOPTION OF SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROJECT SPECIFICATION NO. 22-04, THE CITY HALL ELEVATOR MODERNIZATION PROJECT, AND AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR CONSTRUCTION BIDS. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt the specifications for a modernization of the elevator at City Hall, known as Project Specification No. 22-04 (“Project”) and authorize the advertisement of the Project for construction bids. 9.B ADOPTION OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND COST ESTIMATE FOR PROJECT SPECIFICATION NO. 23-05, DOG PARK ADA IMPROVEMENTS AT TWO RIVERS PARK PROJECT, AND AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR CONSTRUCTION BID. 9.C DISCUSS ADOPTING A FACILITY NAMING POLICY. RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council review the draft facility naming policy, discuss and adopt the Facility Naming Policy. Passed 5-0 9.D FILING OF NOTICES OF COMPLETION FOR “C” STREET EMERGENCY SEWER REPAIR PROJECT. RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Accept the services provided for the Preliminary Phase of the “C” Street Emergency Sewer performed by Ferreira Construction Co, Inc. (“Ferreira Construction”); 2. Accept the completed improvements for Project Specification No. 23-01E – “C” Street Emergency Sewer Repair Project provided by Toro Enterprises, Inc. (“Toro Enterprises”); 3. Instruct the City Clerk to file the attached Notices of Completion; and 4. Authorize the final payment to the contractors of owed retention and Release on Contract pending clearance of the 30-day lien period. |