City of Fillmore
8.A REQUEST That the City Council: (1) appropriate funding in the amount of $963,800 from the Water Development Impact Fees (DIF) fund, (2) authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Control Systems West for an amount not to exceed ($983,714.74) for upgrades and maintenance to the City’s SCADA system, including the purchase and installation of a new chlorine analyzer at each well, and (3) authorize the Assistant City Manager to execute a purchase order with APEX for the new server and related equipment needed for the new SCADA system in the amount of $16,286.26
Passed 5-0
8.B REQUEST Staff requests that the City Council award a professional services agreement to Peckham & McKenney in the amount of $25,500 for executive recruiting services, approve a one-time General Fund appropriation in the same amount, and authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with Peckham & McKenney in a form approved by the City Attorney.
Passed 5-0
8.C REQUEST That the City Council approve a proposed new full-time unrepresented Public Works Senior Management Analyst classification and job description for this classification and appropriation of funding for this position for the second half of the 2022-23 year.
Approved 5-0 REQUEST Approve Resolution No. 22-3904 authorizing the Assistant City Manager or City Finance Director to execute contracts with a municipal advisor and certain other professionals and permitting the Administration and finance team to initiate the bond issuance process and bring contracts with other professionals and the bond documents back for final City Council approval prior to the bond sale.
Passed 5-0
8-D REQUEST Approve Resolution No. 22-3904 authorizing the Assistant City Manager or City Finance Director to execute contracts with a municipal advisor and certain other professionals and permitting the Administration and finance team to initiate the bond issuance process and bring contracts with other professionals and the bond documents back for final City Council approval prior to the bond sale.
Approved 5-0
8-E REQUEST Approve City Attorney contract amendment for legal services. DISCUSSION Tiffany Israel of Aleshire and Wynder serves as the city’s City Attorney and has done an excellent job representing the city and handling our legal matters. She is a key contributor to the management team and a valued member. The last increase was approved in December 14, 2022. A majority of the rate increases will be paid by third parties such that this proposed amendment will have minimal impact on the General Fund Budget.
Approved 5-0