Ventura County Board of Supervisors Proclamation
On June, 11th, 2013, the Fillmore High School Alumni Association received a proclamation from County Supervisor, Kathy Long, and the Ventura County Board of Supervisors. It was presented to the Association during the week of their 100th year celebration which was highlighted by a beautiful dinner celebration on the evening of June 15th, 2013 at the Veterans Memorial building. The Alumni Assoc will be at Central Station this Friday evening from 5:00pm to 9:00pm during "Flashback Fridays" in beautiful Downtown Fillmore, and will have their commemorative 100th year Wine glasses available for a small donation of $5.00 for each glass. Congratulations to the Fillmore High School Alumni Association. Onward and Upward to the next 100 years!
Whereas, the first graduating class of Fillmore High School was in 1911 with four graduates: Mabel Arthur, Mary Cummings, Sarah King and Albert Wicklund; and
Whereas, in 1914 the Fillmore High Alumni Association was established with Albert Wicklund as the first President and Elvira Wicklund Hardison as President in 1915-16; and
Whereas, after World War I, Edith Moore was elected President and annual meetings continued to be held. In the following years, annual dinner meetings were held for the members followed by individual classes holding meetings separately in class rooms at the Fillmore High School campus; and
Whereas, in 1960 the Fillmore High Alumni Association began awarding scholarships to outstanding students, these varied from $25.00 up to $250.00. As more members became interested in providing scholarships, the Alumni put forth a plan to develop a Scholarship Foundation that would generate $100.000.00 that would provide the necessary funds to continue to award scholarships each year to graduating seniors; and
Whereas, in 1987 Fillmore High Alumni Association established Bylaws by which the Association could be run. A Board of Directors was elected, with Conway Spitler serving as the first Executive Director; and
Whereas, the current Board Members are: Richard Mosbarger '47, Mark Ortega '79, Corinna "Chandler" Mozley '71, Glenda "Gregory" DeJarnette '59, Kathleen "Penrod" Mc Creary '66, Tricia "Urrea" Gradias '78, Mark Avila '84, Maria "Diaz" Kilgore '62, Michelle Haase '87, Rick Cadena '83 and Barry Thompson '79; and
Whereas, in 1990 an Alumni website was established so that classmates could stay in contact with one another and it is still an active part of keeping members up-to-date on what happens in their community.
Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved, that the Ventura County Board of Supervisors do hereby congratulate the Fillmore High School Alumni Association, on 100 years of dedicated service to the Community of Fillmore, and for their continued support of helping Fillmore High School Graduates go on to Higher Education through Scholarships and Grants. And we further wish to commend them for fostering a spirit of fellowship among their members, honoring the heritage of Fillmore High School. Presented this 11th Day of June, 2013.