F.H.S. Class of '55 and '80 Reunions

Calling all classmates from these two classes. Your class representative asked the Alumni Association to spread the word that you are having your Class reunion on Saturday, June 13th, 2015. Your reunion this year is happening at the 102nd Alumni Dinner, and Dance. You can pay or pick up your dinner reservation form at Patterson Hardware Store. (Open 7 days a week), or go onto the Alumni website at www.fillmorehighalumni.com and print a form out and mail it in. Happy hour and Social 3:00pm to 6:00pm, Dinner at 6:00pm, and Music and Dancing into the night. New this year is a Social Bar/ Lounge area open to 11:00pm. Lot's of surprises in store for this years Event. Get your reservation forms in soon. Seats are filling up.