Fillmore Boys & Girl’s Club Gets City Approval for Ceiling Repair Project
At the Tuesday, January 28, Fillmore City Council Meeting City Council: 1. Approved and authorized the Interim City Manager to sign a contract with Wyatt Trapp Inc. for the Fillmore Boys and Girls Club Building Ceiling Repair Project (“Project”), in the amount of $21,724.08; and 2. Approved a fund transfer in the amount of $25,000.00 to be reallocated from General Fund Reserves Fund 506 to Recreation Fund 304 for the Project. Alternatives: 1. Postpone the Project until the next fiscal year and budget accordingly. 2. Take no action at this time. SR - AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR FILLMORE BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB BUILDING CEILING REPAIR PROJECT.PDF
At the Tuesday, January 28, Fillmore City Council Meeting City Council: 1. Approved and authorized the Interim City Manager to sign a contract with Wyatt Trapp Inc. for the Fillmore Boys and Girls Club Building Ceiling Repair Project (“Project”), in the amount of $21,724.08; and 2. Approved a fund transfer in the amount of $25,000.00 to be reallocated from General Fund Reserves Fund 506 to Recreation Fund 304 for the Project. Alternatives: 1. Postpone the Project until the next fiscal year and budget accordingly. 2. Take no action at this time. SR - AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR FILLMORE BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB BUILDING CEILING REPAIR PROJECT.PDF