Fillmore Business Owners Claim Damage By City's Heavy-Handed Tactics
![]() Fillmore City Council Members listen to half a dozen Fillmore business owners complain about the financial and emotional damage caused by their heavy-handed negotiation tactics with the property owner. By Anonymous — Wednesday, October 9th, 2019
![]() (above) Bruce Johnson, tenant of Fillmore's Packinghouse Creative, voicing his frustrations at City Council regarding the red tagging of the building (the packing house at Sespe and A Street across from the fire station) back in August of this year. See Johnson’s Letter to the Editor in the "Letters" section. A half-dozen Fillmore business owners complained to the Council about the red-tagging of businesses located in the packinghouse at Sespe/Landeros and A Street. The City maintains warnings have been sent to each business in the structure concerning violations of state and local safety issues. The building owner contends that these citations cannot reasonably be satisfied financially in the 100-year old building and is causing businesses to abandon their places in the historic structure. 8.A 1) PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE 19-920, ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 19-04, AMENDING THE FILLMORE MUNICIPAL CODE TO REMOVE THE TEMPORARY USE PERMIT REQUIREMENT FOR SPECIAL EVENTS AND FINDING OF EXEMPTION FROM CEQA; AND 2) CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE 19-919, AMENDING THE FILLMORE MUNICIPAL CODE TO ESTABLISH A SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT REQUIREMENT PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 28 FISCAL IMPACT: Fiscal impact for recommended items – $206,428.93 No funds were budgeted for these items and would need to come from the reserve funds. RECOMMENDATION 1. Discuss and comment on items proposed by city staff. It was determined that the city's parks are in need of additional maintenance. Delores Day Park, the swimming pool, and other park areas were discussed and commented on by City Manager David Rowlands. DISCUSSION: Over the past several months, City staff has been putting together a list of projects and repair estimates for various City facilities for City Council consideration. None of these projects are included in the adopted 2019-20 Budget. FINANCE DEPARTMENT: Data Ticket Inc. is used by a number of cities in Ventura County to process citations and issue permits including the Cities of Ventura, Port Hueneme, and Camarillo and the Ventura Community College District. Working with Data Ticket would allow the City to put RV and driveway parking permits, garage sale permits, and citation payments all online in one system. Staff recommendations were unanimously approved. |