Fillmore FFA Wins Multiple Titles at Ventura Section Opening & Closing Contest
Fillmore FFA hosted the Ventura Section Opening and Closing Contest last week and hosted over 200 FFA members and guests. Fillmore FFA took home multiple titles, and outstanding positions. Congratulations to the following: Novice Division
Outstanding Secretary - Haley Robledo 2nd Place - Team 2 5th Place - Team 3 Advanced Division 2nd Place - Fillmore Team 1
Outstanding VP - Jacquie Ordonez Outstanding Reporter - Nelly Rodriguez Officer Division 1st Place - FILLMORE Outstanding Sentinel - Joaquin (Danny) Holladay Outstanding Reporter - Della Alamillo Outstanding Treasurer - Vicente López Congratulations again to EVERYONE! Thank you to all our volunteers and student helpers. Courtesy
Fillmore FFA hosted the Ventura Section Opening and Closing Contest last week and hosted over 200 FFA members and guests. Fillmore FFA took home multiple titles, and outstanding positions. Congratulations to the following: Novice Division Outstanding Secretary - Haley Robledo 2nd Place - Team 2 5th Place - Team 3 Advanced Division 2nd Place - Fillmore Team 1 Outstanding VP - Jacquie Ordonez Outstanding Reporter - Nelly Rodriguez Officer Division 1st Place - FILLMORE Outstanding Sentinel - Joaquin (Danny) Holladay Outstanding Reporter - Della Alamillo Outstanding Treasurer - Vicente López Congratulations again to EVERYONE! Thank you to all our volunteers and student helpers. Courtesy