Fillmore Fire Department receives grant for heavy rescue equipment
![]() Pictured (l-r) Filmore Fire Chief Rigo Landeros, Fillmore Fire Captain Patrick Maynard, Oxnard Firefighter Alex Hamilton. By Anonymous — Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010
State Route 126 hosts upwards of 100,000 vehicles per day resulting in several fatal traffic collisions each year. City of Fillmore Firefighters are faced with the constant challenge of responding to major traffic collisions and providing citizens top-notch service with aging equipment. The California Office of Traffic Safety has awarded the City of Fillmore Fire Department a grant in the amount of $10,889.00 to purchase additional heavy rescue tools and vehicle stabilization equipment to be used for traffic collision responses. “As firefighters, it is imperative we reach traffic accident victims as quickly as possible” said Fillmore Fire Chief Rigo Landeros. “This new and improved equipment will add to both the safety of the victim and the firefighters working. Another added benefit is the increased efficiency of which the rescue is performed.” Grant funding comprises approximately 5% of the City of Fillmore Fire Departments annual operating budget making it instrumental in the ongoing fiscal health an stability of the organization. |