Fillmore Fire Responds to Spot Fires
On Tuesday evening, July 4, 2023, Fillmore Fire Department responded to at least four small spot fires at Shiells & Delores Day Parks. After celebrating the holiday, fireworks that had been dumped in trash cans reignited, crews responded and extinguished the flames quickly. Friendly reminder to make sure your fireworks are completely cooled off before disposing them in trash cans! Photo credit Angel Esquivel-AE.
On Tuesday evening, July 4, 2023, Fillmore Fire Department responded to at least four small spot fires at Shiells & Delores Day Parks. After celebrating the holiday, fireworks that had been dumped in trash cans reignited, crews responded and extinguished the flames quickly. Friendly reminder to make sure your fireworks are completely cooled off before disposing them in trash cans! Photo credit Angel Esquivel-AE.