Fillmore Flower Show a Month Away
Cut Rose Miniature entries and winners from a previous Fillmore Flower Show.
Cut Rose Miniature entries and winners from a previous Fillmore Flower Show.

By Jan Lee

If you haven’t already, mark your calendar for April 9 and 10. Those are the dates of the Fillmore Flower Show. The theme this year is “Farie Tales and Flowers”. We hope this theme will inspire many entries.

There are eleven entry divisions. Let’s discuss the first three:
Division I— Single Stem Cut Roses. Whatever rose you have growing in your garden, you can enter it in the flower show. It could be a hybrid tea rose, floribunda, miniature rose or “Any Other Unlisted Rose”. There is even a category for novelty rose which can be the most fragrant or the largest rose bloom. You don’t know what kind of rose you have? No problem! When you arrive at the show between 7:30 and 10 a.m. on Saturday, April 9, there will be several people helping who will make sure your bloom is in the correct division.

Division II— Single Stem Cut Iris. There are three classes of iris, bearded iris, spuria iris and Japanese iris. If you have iris, cut off a bloom, bring it to the show and we’ll get it in the right classification.

Division III— Other Single Stem Cut Flowers. This division is for ANY flower you have blooming in your yard. Everybody has at least one flower. This division is especially fun because we never know what type of flower will be entered. Visitors to the show get a good opportunity to see something beautiful that one of their neighbors has cultivated. Perhaps it would look good in your yard, too! During the public viewing, from 1-4 p.m. both Saturday and Sunday, there will be many people around who can tell you a lot about the flowers, where to plant them, how much light and water they require, etc.

There is a plant boutique at the flower show. This is one of the popular stops during the flower show. You might find a plant that you can grow and possibly win an award next year! Please plan to enter and attend. For complete information see