Fillmore Flower Show Tradition Since 1919

Did you know that the Fillmore Flower Show has been a tradition since 1919? Even though there have been years that the flower show did not happen, like during war years and when there were not enough volunteers to hold the show, it has been a beloved event in Fillmore. The show this year on April 13 and 14 will celebrate 100 years of flowers.

Just for fun, here are some events that happened in the United States in 1919 other than the Fillmore Flower Show!

Woodrow Wilson was President of the United States

William Stephens was Governor of California

The 5th Rose Bowl, known at the time as the Tournament East-West Football Game, was played between the Mare Island Marines of California and the Great Lakes Navy from Great Lakes, Illinois

The 18th Amendment to the Constitution, Prohibition, went into effect

The Grand Canyon was established as a National Park

The University of California, Los Angeles was established

The US Congress approved the 19th Amendment, which guaranteed suffrage to women, and sent it to the states for ratification

The Black Sox Scandal

The Treaty of Versailles was signed to end WWI, but failed to be ratified by the Senate

Babe Ruth was traded to the Boston Red Sox

The Patterson Hardware Store at 362 Central Avenue was established. Harvey S. Patterson was the manager.

Make your own history by participating in the Fillmore Flower Show this year.