Fillmore Pump Track, Bike Park “Grand Opening”

City of Fillmore Two Rivers Park - Pump Track / Bike Park 1120 River Street, Fillmore, CA 93015 “Grand Opening” Saturday, March 21st 12:00 p.m.

The City of Fillmore, City Council and Parks & Recreation Commission would like to invite you to the Pump Track / Bike Park Grand Opening on Saturday, March 21st at 12:00 p.m.

Pump Track / Bike Park is a professionally designed facility giving cyclists a safe, off street place to learn to ride, practice and increase cycling skills. The track consists of pump tracks, skills areas, trails area, practice trail and jump line.

The skills, trails and Jump areas will contain feature designed to build riding skills such as balance, pedaling, shifting, braking, etc. in a safe, controlled and progressive environment.

Everyone from the age of 2 – 102 that can ride a bike, come out and use the Pump Track /Bike Park.