Fillmore Schools Set High Goals and New Directions
![]() By Jean McLeod — Wednesday, October 19th, 2011
There were two presentations given at the October 18, 2011 Fillmore Unified School Districts (FUSD) Board Meeting which revealed part of the new objective of the District. FUSD is setting high goals and looking to different avenues in an effort to connect with the students. Exploring updated methods of teaching, shared data and incorporating new technology are part of the new directions being applied to achieve those high goals. Newly formed Task Force Committees that were established at the beginning of the school year are showing results. San Cayetano and Piru Elementary Schools each gave presentation on what has been accomplished so far and what they expect to achieve in the future. Michael Johnson, Assistant Superintendent of FUSD, explained the objective of the new direction as, “A nine (9) Task Forces the Superintendent has formed to help create district-wide systems (K-12) that would help enhance teaching and learning in FUSD. The task forces are at various stages in accomplishing their objectives; however, our goal is to complete their work on or before the end of this current school year, submit for approval their recommendations to the School Board, orient and in-service the staff on those recommendations, and implement next school year the Task Forces’ board approved recommendations.” Heading the Task Force are; Report Card Task Force, Jan Marholin, Principal, San Cayetano; Lead Facilitator with the task of developing an essential standards report card with appropriate rubrics. Pacing Guides Task Force, Chrissy Schieferle, Principal, Mountain Vista who heads the task of developing a trimester English Language Arts pacing guides to include timelines, benchmark assessments, re-teaching/intervention opportunities and a list of resources for classroom teachers. Essential Standards and Benchmark Task Force, Scott Carroll, Principal, of Sespe School is tasked with completing field testing of the third trimester assessment for English Language Arts and the three trimester benchmark assessments for Mathematics Classroom Climate Task Force, Epi Torres, Vice Principal, Fillmore High is tasked to recommend five classroom expectations teachers have of our students and five expectations our students can have of our teachers. Teaching Strategies Task Force, Cynthia Frutos (just newly appointed), Principal, Sierra Alternative/Heritage Valley Independent Study is tasked to recommend five teaching strategies all teachers in the district will use in the classroom to help enhance student achievement. Math Scope and Sequence Task Force, Dr. Ellen Green, Acting Principal, Fillmore Middle; is tasked to develop pacing guides based on essential standards in Pre-Algebra, Algebra and Geometry (6-12). Writing Scope and Sequence Task Force, John Wilber, Principal, Fillmore High, is tasked to develop a district-wide Writing Program scope and sequence (K-12). English Language Development Task Force, Jennifer Weir, Coordinator, District Office is tasked with developing pacing guides for our ELD curriculum. Piru Elementary Principal Diana Vides and teachers John Schaper and Kristina Silbey, also from Piru Elementary, gave a presentation updating the Board on their school’s student performance data. The percentage of students achieving at the proficient or advanced level (meeting or exceeding the state standards) over a three year comparison starting in 2008 till today has had some gains and some losses. Gains were made in math with an averaged of all grades at 48.2% in 2008 and today averaging 53.5%. But a large loss was seen in Language Arts where in 2008 students averaged 46.2% and today are down to an average of 36.1%. In particular with needed improvement in English Language Arts were 3rd grade with a low of 15% and 6th grade at 14%. The gains in math were across the board with the exception of the 6th grade which averaged only 9% proficient. In response to these lower levels of achievement Vides said students in grades k-6 will now have access to 4 hours of intervention 4 days a week in English Arts with an additional 2 hours of intervention 4 days a week for grades 4-6. Also, for students that are new to the country and speak another language other than English, a teacher has been hired to provide English Language Development intervention. To bridge the Piru Elementary student’s families and their education, all home notices with be in both English and Spanish, translators for teacher/parent conferences will be available and parents will receive mid-trimester progress reports if the child is not progressing adequately. In addition parent workshops will be held monthly to educate parents on becoming partners in the education of their children. Silbey stated, “Research shows success is attained from staffs that work collaboratively to reach a common goal. We feel we are on the right track to achieving success.” Principal Jan Marholin presented the Board with their student’s achievements. Joining Marholin was kindergarten teacher Kristy Dunst. Marholin informed the Board that the English Language Arts have improved and 18 students at San Cayentano having progressed to being proficient in English at mid year. Marholin stated, “San Cayentano is a school of service with all classes giving back to the community” and that she looks forward to district wide parent involvement meetings. Marholin expressed a concern with regards to safety at the school. San Cayetano is an open campus with fencing only provided for the special needs students. “We have people who will come over and use the picnic table who are not parents or students,” Marholin stated. FUSD Superintendent Dr. Alan Nishino mentioned that Piru only has a portion of the school fencing also. Nishino informed everyone that some changes are coming and new rules are being written to control who can and cannot be on any of the District school campuses. Nishino has been in contact with The Discovery Channel and Data Wise in an effort to expand the methods used to connect with students. The use of the Discovery Channel’s programming, particularly in science using electronic digital media would be a great asset in upgrading Fillmore’s student’s educational tools. Established in 1983, the non-profit Data Wise provides online student assessment and data management solution to help educators connect the data points and improve student learning. Nishino is exploring the possibilities of online education as a next step in advancing instruction. “Not all kids can learn from the left side of the brain like me; some need to touch and feel it.” Nishino stated. Wilber said he likes the idea but is concerned about the cost. Video |