Pictured is newly appointed Fillmore Middle School Principal Trina Tafoya
December 13, 2019
Dear Fillmore Unified District Community,
The purpose of this letter is to inform you of changes in leadership taking place at Fillmore Middle School, Sierra High School, and Heritage Valley Independent Study. The changes will take effect on Monday, January 6, 2020.
Fillmore Middle School:
New Principal
- Ms. Trina Tafoya will be the new Principal of Fillmore Middle School. Ms. Tafoya is a professional educator who has worked at the secondary level with experiences as a classroom teacher, Teacher on Special Assignment, Assistant Principal, and Principal. She is currently in her second year as Principal of Sierra High School and brings with her a wealth of experience in advocating for the academic success of all students.
Departure of Assistant Principal, Alicia Pane
- Alicia Pane has served our District with distinction as an accomplished Teacher on Special Assignment and most recently as an Assistant Principal at Fillmore Middle School. Mrs. Pane will be leaving Fillmore Unified du to a full family move to the East Coast. We wish her safe travels and continues success.
Education Services
- Assistant Superintendent Micheline G. Miglis will resume her full-time duties as the Assistant Superintendent of Education Services. She will provide ongoing support to
Fillmore Middle School and all Fillmore Unified schools in her role as Assistant Superintendent. Thank you Ms. Miglis for your work in leading Fillmore Middle School.
Sierra High School and Heritage Valley Independent Study:
Mr. Pablo Leanos returns as Principle of Sierra High School and Heritage Valley Independent Study. Mr. Leanos is a professional educator who has worked at the middle and high school levels with experiences as a classroom teacher, counselor, site administrator, and Principal on Special Assignment.
Congratulations to our leaders on their new roles and opportunities. Each of our school leaders have demonstrated a strong commitment to supporting all students and work tirelessly to promote academic success. Thank you in advance for your continued support of Fillmore Unified Schools.
Adrian E. Palazuelos, Ph.D